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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Planned Parenthood BUSTED by former Director in Texas

Abby Johnson is taking the leap and exposing PP for what it is:  A Baby-Killing Factory.

"A former director of a Texas Planned Parenthood branch who resigned after she watched an ultrasound-guided abortion told WND the clinic was pushing employees to strive for abortion quotas to boost profits.
"There are definitely client goals," former clinic director Abby Johnson said. "We'd have a goal every month for abortion clients and for family planning clients."
Johnson, 29, said the Bryan, Texas, Planned Parenthood clinic performed surgical abortions every other Saturday, but it began expanding access to abortion to increase earnings.
"One of the ways they were able to up the number of patients that they saw was they started doing the RU-486 chemical abortions all throughout the week," she said."

Read more HERE.

Watch this video by JOHN PIPER.

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