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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Something I'm not proud of in Wisconsin

So much to love about my home state - Wisconsin.

Cheese curds.

Kettle Moraine.


Baraboo Hills.

Green Bay Packers.

Fall colors.

Winter blizzards.

The attributes of the Badger State are unceasing.

Sadly, there is ONE THING I am NOT proud of....

Naughty Finger

I cringe whenever I see who is lurking behind the doors of schools, churches, government institutions and the like across our nation.  It's especially disturbing when the media points the naughty finger at our fine state of Wisconsin, the 'home' of FFRF.

FFRF has tried to oust our God, the God of the Bible, His Son - Jesus, and all things Christian:

They have intruded on:

  • School prayer.

  • Graduation prayer.

  • Prayer before school sports games.

FFRF has removed:

  • Crosses.

  • Fishes (Ichthys).

  • Bibles.

  • Ten Commandments.

  • Religious music

Even in this grand state of Wisconsin we have seen the attempt to blot out God in the rotunda of our State Capitol at Christmastime.

FFRF Nativity Mockery at WI State Capitol - 2013

Here is what FFRF obviously does not get -


So, while I'm not proud of the shenanigans of FFRF across our faith-based nation, rich with religious history, I am confident in this:


How do I know this?

NOTE:  Bible promises may not be removed, altered, or otherwise tampered with without the express permission of the Author.  (not gonna happen)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Trying to Make a Statement? Obama Misses the Mark...by a Longshot

Wouldn't you think that if Obama wanted to hit Americans where it hurts he'd shut down the postal system? school lunch programs? public schools? Andrews Air Force Base golf course?

Instead, the expenditure of government funds is diverted from those placed on "furlough" and spent on personnel at National Parks...

Setting up barricades.
Blocking roadways.
Strong-arming veterans.

And the Obama Administration has targeted specific entities to make a statement by:

Closing commissaries on military bases, denying families of soldiers the ability to purchase food.
Rejecting a state's offer to pull up the bootstraps and pay for their own state park operations.
Cutting off "Amber Alerts."  and HERE

In effect, this is a "partial" shutdown...a "pick and choose" shutdown.

Let's the American people see Obama for who he truly is.


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