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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Catholic Priest Fr. Nova testifies in favor of AB458/SB324; wants abstinence teaching BOOTED

In yesterday's Senate hearing on AB458/SB324, Fr. Alvaro Nova of Holy Angels Old Catholic Church in Milwaukee testified on behalf of this Planned Parenthood bill to oust abstinence from Human Growth and Development curriculum.  Father Nova is also well-known for his support of illegal immigrants in the United States.

This bill, AB458/SB324, takes local control of writing the curriculum out of the hands of communities and places it in the paws of Madison.  State government will not mandate any public school to actually teach HG&D, but will force those who do choose to include this in curriculum choices to do it Planned Parenthood's way.

As a side note, I did not witness any other PRO-LIFE OR PRO-FAMILY CLERGY at this hearing.  At the October 6th hearing before the Assembly, there was only one other clergy member present.  This, in and of itself, is deeply troubling.

Father Nova testifies alongside Planned Parenthood, asking to get RID of abstinence teaching - - -

Father Nova explains his philosophy of faith at a meeting in 2007:
“We are very open and liberal in our philosophy today," Nova said. 

Ya think?

You can reach Father Nova here:

Holy Angels Old Catholic Church
1510 North 70th Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53213

Church: (414) 774-6420
Padre Alvaro Nova cell: 414-881-8830

Senate Hearing on Sex Ed Bill Causes Confusion

The Senate Hearing on AB458/SB324 (sex ed bill or "Healthy Youth Act") caused some overall generalized confusion yesterday.

Sen. John Lehman chaired the hearing that was attended by Sen.'s Hopper, Olsen, Erpenbach, Grothman, Jauch, and Hansen.

Testimonies were filled with the same rhetoric:  the need for sex ed in schools (not what this bill is about), pregnancy stats (not what this bill is about), STD stats (not what this bill is about), sexual abuse (not what this bill is about), etc. 

What this bill is about:  Removing the ability of individual communities to include an abstinence-only curriculum in their HG&D programs should they so choose.  Plain and simple.  This bill does not touch the comprehensive sex ed programs already in place.  It simply removed the ability of local communities to control what is being taught the students in their school districts as PP seems to think government $$ is being wasted on an abstinence-only curriculum.

Planned Parenthood slapped stickers onto supporters that said "Healthy Youth Alliance", but it seemed that the "Alliance" really did not know what they were allied for.

Rep. Kelda Roys began with introduction of SB324, but seemed to have little knowledge of what she was really talking about.  She was sitting in for Rep. Lena Taylor, a co-author of the bill. Her comments basically inmplied that communities are not capable of working together to create a HGD (sex ed) for their own school districts.  As she stated, "If you're going to teach abstinence, here is how to do it the right way."  Funny, thought abstinence meant one thing, not the inclusion of options that encourage otherwise.  Who are these Representatives and who voted for them anyway?  They should be embarrassed.

Sen. Olsen asked Roys about mandating parents to teach a "certain" way.  Her answer, "This is well in line with local control."  Wonder how she can explain that?  

Kimberly Wasserman and Jude Edmonds (reading a testimony for a friend) of OASIS, formerly the Canopy Center, formerly the Parental Stress Center both missed the mark, talked about off-topic issues, and were called on it by Rep. Olsen.  :-)  By the way, your local West Bend Mutual Insurance Company supports these gals (OASIS), so you can see what their money is buying.  Kind of like working against your own citizens.  No, not kind of....it IS.  I dropped WBM president, Kevin Steiner, a note about this.  Update to follow.

Somewhere in this mish-mosh of misunderstanding came a comment from Sen. Erpenbach referring to abstinence as an "old tool" and not really worthy of consideration in this day and age.  Again, who voted for this Senator?  Shame.  And he has teenagers at home yet.  Yikes!  Guess Planned Parenthood will be waiting in the wings for these potential candidates.

A few of the more humorous testimonies:

Nicolette Pawlowski - Graduate student with UW-Madison (studies sex ed policy).  Animated, dramatic, and ridiculously embarrassing.  Even the Senators were caught rolling eyes and laughing as she gave a three-minute dissertation on something she knew nothing about.  She just went on and on, in a wild and crazed manner, ranting about everything but what the bill represented.  Sigh.

Dr. Patricia Quigly, Pediatrician, Madison - I have only one word:  CLUELESS.  She really made an idiot of herself in public.  I had expected so much more.  She shared information about a young female patient who supposedly lost a condom, um, somewhere, and had no idea how to find it, or where to look for it.  (I hear you laughing.)  She stated "Schools are the most appropriate place for sex ed to be taught."  Guess this tells you how she feels about parents.  Hope her patients are reading this.  She also claimed that schools were "omitting" information. This is based on what information?  She could not say.  Just assuming, guessing, speculating.  Sen. Grothman busted her on that one, as she pinpointed Madison, her area of practice, as most likely guilty of this.  Of all the people that spoke, she was my fave (in an entertaining sort of way).

Dr. Quigley

Father Alvaro Nova of Holy Angels Old Catholic Church in Milwaukee and illegal immigrant supporter.  This priest was so amusing that I am going to devote an entire post just to his video. See above.  :-)

Carly Hasse, Health/PE teacher at Verona High School, gave an animated speech as well, but got the runner-up Clueless Award when questioned as to her understanding of the actual bill by Sen. Olsen.  She stood in line with those above who just did not get it.  Hasse stated that her school district does not even use a curriculum for HGD.  Huh?  The Senators took note of this.  Thanks, Carly!

Darcy Duffy (who is in the PP Fan Club) of Concerned Citizens for Women's Health, also a Hintz (D) supporter who is also backed by PP and NARAL (surprise!  NOT) was cornered by the Senators when asked "What will this bill fix?"  Her answer?  Silence.  Why?  Because she had no clue!  She had no idea what she was talking about and did not address the issues within the bill.  It was blatantly obvious, as her red face showed when she turned away from the mic.  :-D

Darcy Duffy - 

It seems that the Planned Parenthood empire that stands to gain from the passage of this bill is intent on confusing even their own supporters in order to get their way.  Senators who are lulled by the soft violins of PP tried to keep the true nature of the bill under the covers as well.

We aren't fooled.  Governmental dictation of how to write our individual community HGD curriculums is transparent in this bill.  What is ironic is that HGD is not even governmentally mandated to be taught!  Go figure.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crowder Criticizes College

Loved this.  Makes you wonder.

Internet Czar Susan Crawford to Resign

The internet should be open, competitive and free.

Crawford is expected to resign at the end of this year. Keep your eyes and ears open for her replacement.

White House technology policy adviser, Susan Crawford will leave her position in January to return to the University of Michigan Law School where she is a tenured professor, according to the Obama administration.
Crawford, known as a proponent of controversial net neutrality rules, has been on temporary leave from the university to serve in the White House. That sabbatical, which began two months after she received tenure at the University of Michigan, will end in January.

A Seasonal Reminder - It's Everywhere

With Halloween approaching, this video lent exegetic thoughts of Obama, liberalism, socialism, authoritarianism, certain national organizations and some local officials.  I could go on, but you get the idea.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

McDonald's gives the cold shoulder to Iceland - backing out of country

Generations of Icelandic children will never know Ronald (or a Happy Meal).

On Tuesday, McDonald's (MCDannounced its plans to leave Iceland. This weekend, the global restaurant's three franchises, all located in Reykjavik, will close their doors, as the country's weak economy has made Big Mac's prohibitively expensive.

West Bend School Board Votes to "Tax to the Max" Tonight

Loads of students came armed with signs that read "NO", "NO CUTS", "CUTS HURT KIDS" and the like.

The sound system stunk.  Had to strain to hear.  Missed some more soft-spoken speakers

The meeting began with a choir teacher receiving an award and a standing ovation, then her presentation of a quartet of young gals dressed in "sailor girl" outfits singing in beautiful harmony.

The quartet was impressive.  The school board, however, was not.

WBSD Supt Pat Herdrich started the meeting off reminding everyone about the loss of state aid, and how the school board will be meeting next Monday night to discuss next year's budget that will include them making $2 million-worth of cuts IN ADDITION TO the cuts that will take place with the tax levy vote tonight.

A group from WEAC came forward and spoke some garbled information, one at a time.  It did not appear to be anything meaningful from what I could tell.  If it was a salary freeze, I did not hear it nor did I get the impression they did anything more than state "we want the community to know that everything is on the table."

One mom spoke and stated she would take cuts for the "non-teachers" over the welfare of her children. She also called out the $3000 spending spree for a California seminar speaker being flown in for the teachers this week instead of looking for someone less expensive and local.

Herdrich gave the same old/same old spiel about the budget reduction process going on for the past 15 years.

Various community members spoke with their thoughts concerning the tax levy. 

Those who were for the levy implied that we could not have quality education without increasing the tax levy.  We heard we should raise the tax to the cap because "my Dad went there."  The other thing I kept hearing over and over (sounded rehearsed) was "How can we expect these children to support us when we refuse to support them in their time of need?"  and "They (the children) must be prepared to succeed.  They must be prepared to support us."  We heard a Chinese proverb from Mark Maley "With crisis comes opportunity."  Maley declared "Give this school board and superintendent a chance and I'll guarantee you, they'll get it right."

Teachers got up to the podium with declarations of loyalty to the children, frugality in all things except education, statements of quality education suffering if we don't tax to the cap.

Those who were against the levy brought the recession back to the board and begged for "relief." One woman strongly stated "Stop the lies, stop the hypocrisy and stop using our children."  She continued by calling for a voluntary wage freeze for teachers and administration.  "We are teaching our children to demand what they want despite the cost," she warned.

Ironically, the students began to take turns at the mic, with a mantra of "we need all of our aids/we need our librarian because I read a lot/we need the Gifted and Talented program because I am so gifted and talented and others who are not as intelligent as me won't be able to adjust to a heavy work load out in the real world without the program."  (Didn't make sense to me, either.)  One student proclaimed "We may not understand it all, but we know what we don't like."

School board members were able to respond one by one.  Kathy VanEerden stated she would support the 10.9% tax levy, and the rest followed suit.  Bruce Koenig praised the administration for taking pay freezes, and this was met with general applause.  He gave an analogy of building a wood shed without the proper quality parts, stating that the school children were like that project in that what we decide today will affect the quality of their lives for years to come.  Tim Stepanski gave a tearful and emotional synopsis of his son's benefit from the AP classes and his ability to clear out college credits before graduating from high school, and spoked in support of the 10.9% tax levy as well. The levy passed with a unanimous vote.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

West Bend School Board to vote on Tax Levy TONIGHT

The West Bend School Board is meeting TONIGHT at 7 PM in the West High School fieldhouse. 

The tax levy increase will either be 9% or 10.9%.



Thursday, October 22, 2009

New website "Support West Bend Schools" posted to push tax levy


Why are good schools important?

...."A high quality education is important for our childrens' future. However, good schools are important for more reasons than just the obvious.  Property values increase as more people desire to live within a particular school district.  Families with children are willing to pay more to live in a community where the schools have a good reputation.  Even home buyers who plan on using private schools or those without children benefit from communities with strong schools.  As long as a community maintains high-quality public schools, their property values will be more likely to rise.
When a school district cannot adequately fund their schools or fails to pass needed referenda, school quality will eventually decline and overcrowding will become an issue.  That community will begin to see homebuyers choosing to live elsewhere. We are already beginning to see this in West Bend as the real estate ads no longer advertise “West Bend Schools” as they have in the past.  Now the real estate ads read “Slinger Schools!”. "

The Last 2 School Board Meetings


Another School Board meeting was held on Monday, October 12 at Silverbrook Middle School.  Another large crowd showed up, however at this meeting the majority present was supportive of the levy increase and did not want to see cuts to educational programs or extracurriculars.  


The public was allowed to give input again, and 80 people had signed up to speak.  Although the School Board had to cut off speaking after 90 minutes, the majority of citizens who spoke supported the levy increase. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Common Sense Citizerns" meeting TONIGHT/Grothman to speak 7:30

7:30 P.M.


Who We Are:
We are a Grass Roots Group of “Regular Joe”, Common Sense, Taxpaying United States citizens that have decided to find the time to make an impact on the futures of our towns, cities, counties, states and country.

Our Mission:
To preserve, promote, and nurture the constitution at local, state and federal levels by educating the public on current and pending legislative policies, and to help constitutionally conservative individuals obtain and maintain political offices through fund raising and campaign assistance.

Our Goals:
1. To educate, and become more educated on current local, state and federal, political issues.
2. To seek out, promote, and elect constitutionally conservative individuals to office.
3. To return our cities, counties, states and country back to the tax paying citizens, one seat at a time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

West Bend School District Facebook asks for RSVP to Oct 26 TAX LEVY Meeting

It seems the West Bend School District is getting the word out about the tax levy meeting (vote will go down that night) and asking for...RSVPs???   on FACEBOOK.

West Bend School District School Board Meeting

Time:7:00PM Monday, October 26th
Location:West Bend High School Auditorium

City of West Bend 2010 Budget Rate

 Read Budget Highlights and Title Budget Summary HERE:


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Banned Banner Decision Backfires

The banner is ousted and the Bible verse is banned from the playing field.  Instead, however, hundred of parents and students are bringing banners to the football games with their own verses, and wearing Christian T-shirts to boot.  Oh, the irony.


"Despite a large public outcry over its decision to censor Bible verse banners held by high school football cheerleaders on the playing field, a Georgia school board is refusing to change its mind. However, the controversial policy has compelled many students to passionately defend their free-speech rights and proclaim their Christian beliefs.

The Catoosa County Board of Education in Georgia decided last night that it will continue to ban Bible-verse banners held by cheerleaders on the Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School football field. The ban was put in place after one woman complained the on-field banners violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.


"We felt a sense of accomplishment because now one sign turned into hundreds of signs that are displayed now in the stands in the stadium," says the youth pastor. "So we're happy with the end result that we've seen, the accomplishment we've seen, because this has turned into a national wave of support for Christ."

A Little Something Out of the Governmental Cabinet, Medicine Cabinet, that is...


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kewaskum "Farm and Family Day" October 17


SATURDAY - October 17
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pumpkin Cookie Decorating
Pumpkin Painting
German Games and Music
Basket Weaving Demonstration
Story Time
Brat Fry
Organic Farmer Displays
9 - 10 a.m. "Managing Your Garden's Bounty" by Renee Vertin, R.D. at the Kewaskum Library

This event will be held at the Community Annex Parking Lot.

West Bend School District Levy is up, up, up, and ........outta the ball park!

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - Part VI

Final video clip.  

Joe Carlson reiterates how the world is watching us and how we need to remember that what we do with this tax levy will affect how the world views West Bend. What he really means is...if we don't pass the levy, we are ruining the reputation of our city, wrecking the school district, and we are bad, bad people.

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - Part V

Kris Beaver wastes his opportunity to discuss the levy (like Todd Miller does) dissing newspapers, talk radio and bloggers by saying "It's easy to take cheap shots from the peanut gallery."

Todd Miller, likewise, tosses his moment to share his opinion by expressing his outrage over someone name-calling him at his place of employment. (While I agree this is inappropriate, it was out of form for Miller to express that in this format. He did not once discuss his thoughts, as you can see, on the tax levy issue. Completely avoided it.)

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - Part IV

Here you'll see board member Bruce Koenig let the WEAC group know they are misinformed (and misleading others).  You'll also see board member Tim Stepanski ask the question "When will the cycle end?" (referring to the tax levy caps both now and in the future.)

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - Part III

One gentleman reminded the school board that 80% of our costs are in personnel, and hoped that teachers would remember that when they negotiated their salaries.  

(So here are the teachers, all making sales pitches for the tax levy, screaming "raise the tax levy cap!" and then going into negotiations for their pay raises this year.)

Another man said he read the WB News and Rich Kasten's account of what took place at the last meeting.  Kasten's account was concerning to him as a taxpayer and he wanted to know exactly what happened at the last meeting.

I'll post more in the a.m.  

I have video footage of the school board member's final responses  Will post in the morning.

Monday, October 12, 2009

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - Part II

School Board President Joe Carlson opened the meeting by making mention that there were a lot of students present tonight.  Could that be because the school district held an assembly for them so they could do a Q&A on the tax issues and scare them by telling them that those bad people who refuse to pay more taxes want to take away their swimming pool?  their dual high schools?  their athletics?  their band?  their choir?  The PANIC BUTTON was pushed.

School District Financial Advisor Dave Ross was up first to sell the tax levy.  Sorry, we will NOT drink the Kool-Aid.

West Bend School Board Meeting Stacked with WEACs - PART I

This is going to be multiple postings as I am going to provide video snips for your viewing pleasure.  The meeting was truly laughable, and obviously transparent.  It was kinda like showing up at a school assembly and listening to the teachers lament about a student that just died in a car accident or something.  The most frequently used five words?  "Tax us to the cap!"  Yes, I know.  It was the oddest thing.  All the people who are getting pay raises and hide behind their union were the ones to be vocal tonight.  An absolute misrepresentation of the community, unlike the meeting two weeks ago.  

Here is how the meeting began.  A little entertainment from the children's choir at Silverbrook Middle School.  Shame on the Superintendent and School Board President for exploiting innocent kids in the midst of a tax levy war.  (They were cute, though...)

Supt. Pat Herdrich introduced the meeting by blaming Madison/legislature, then ensuring all she had gone to fight on our behalf this week:

West Bend School District figures REVEALED

Tonight at 7PM the Regular Board of Education Meeting hosted by Silverbrook Middle School, 120 N. Silverbrook Drive.  Meeting will be held in the gymnasium.


The teachers union has requested all of the teachers to attend this and the remaining school board meetings.  They were embarrassed with being outnumbered at the tax levy vote a couple of weeks ago. 

(It appears there is a scheduled walk-out at the high school today for the students.  They are protesting combining the two high schools to one.  It seems that if a student does not want one school, they will walk out.  However, if a student walks out they will have some type of discipline placed onto their permanent record and they will not be allowed to go to the Homecoming dance this Saturday night.)  

The TEACHERS UNION is holding the teacher's close.  

KEEP IN MIND:  The teachers stand NOTHING TO LOSE with the tax levy we are being targeted for.  While West Bend School District taxpayers are being asked to foot the bill for a tax levy (the school board is going to propose 9% tonight), TEACHERS WILL RECEIVE ANNUAL PAY INCREASES. 

The recent letter from the School District states the government funding has decreased over the years.  NOT TRUE.  LIES ARE BEING TOLD.  FACTS TO BACK IT UP.  Read it here:

Curtsy Boots & Sabers (nice work):


Check out full commentary HERE.

West Bend School Board Meets TONIGHT @ Silverbrook 7 p.m.

Don't throw in the towel.

Hold the West Bend School Board accountable.

Public input will not be allowed tonight.
Bring a sign that speaks for you.  They can still READ your comments.  Suggestions "We've lost our TRUST" or "Trust Factor = 0."
Show them you meant what you said.  Sit in on the meeting and listen to what is being said about the tax levy COMING YOUR WAY.

Instead of looking at administrative salary cuts (sorry, wage "freezes" are just not enough), the school board is targeting curriculum and closing the pool, while still maintaining a parking lot attendant and purchasing land!



7 p.m.

Friday, October 9, 2009

West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries gets NEW NAME! EAGLE FORUM endorses new Chapter!

Due to the many, many local issues throughout West Bend and Washington county and the large interest of local citizens and taxpayers to stay informed, WBCFSL is merging with a larger organization and will come under the "wings" of Eagle Forum of Wisconsin. 
West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries is now:
Our new email address is:
We are currently working on a website where you will be able to stay on top of the latest WEST BEND and WASHINGTON COUNTY happenings.  School Board proceedings, City Council meetings, various city board meetings and other issues that may need YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION!
Please feel free to view the Eagle Forum home website HERE.
The Eagle Forum Wisconsin website HERE.
Our Mission Statement is HERE.
THE EAGLE FORUM invites you to build a better educated, safer, stronger America based on traditional values.
We are excited to be of service to our community in a way that helps to get the word out quickly!
Stay tuned!
Ginny Maziarka, President
Donald Fagan, Vice President
Eagle Forum of Wisconsin, Washington County Chapter

Sensenbrenner Town Hall Meeting in OCONOMOWOC - Saturday

Topic: Town Hall
Official: Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI 5th) 
When: 10/10/2009
Starts: 09:00 AM
Where: Oconomowoc City Hall 
Council Chambers 
174 E. Wisconsin Avenue 
Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Assembly Bill 458 "Healthy Youth Act" a Farce - Testified against this in Madison today

Testimony in Opposition to Assembly Bill 458
Before the Assembly Committee on Education
October 5, 2009

I am addressing you today as both a mother and grandmother in our school district.  I am also a current member of the Human Growth and Development Committee in our school district, which is comprised of district administration, teachers, parents, clergy, business owners, health care professionals and taxpayers, all who have a vested interest in our community.  This year we worked as a collaborative team to identify the community standards of our district with regards to education in human growth and development for the youth within our district.  Those who gave their time to this important planning committee did so to maintain the strong values and community standards of our school district.  Together we made collaborative decisions concerning curriculum presented to students at each grade level.  Through research, sharing of information and open discussion we came to agreements on what we felt was most important to us as a community, and what fit best with State law.  We tailored this program to fit our school district, and I am proud of the efforts of those who are on this committee.  I can earnestly tell you this curriculum was not taken lightly as we know it affects the lives of our youth for years to come.  The freedom we have as a local community to recognize the strengths and weaknesses within our district’s schoolchildren is invaluable, and we are vehemently opposed to usurping parental and local control by any organizational or governmental strong arm.

Now, I address you as the president of the Eagle Forum of Wisconsin, Washington County Chapter.  As an advocate for parental rights, the protection of minors and strong family values in Washington County, I have spent countless hours among our taxpayers and citizens, confirming what we already know:  that our community wishes to maintain local control of its school curriculum and guide our children in a manner we feel, and know, is best for our school district. 

Wis. Statute 948.02(2) states that it is a Class C Felony for anyone to have sexual contact or engage in sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age.  The financial, legal and lifelong consequences of prosecution for this offense should be the focus of the legislature, while allowing parents and local school district committees to work towards the goal of protecting minors according to community standards.

Note section 115.28(9m) in AB458 that mandates the Department of Public Instruction to apply for federal birth control money.  The Eagle Forum asks this question:  Is this the prelude to establishing taxpayer-funded sex clinics in Wisconsin’s schools?

The Eagle Forum of Wisconsin strongly opposes Assembly Bill 458.  Leave local control of Human Growth and Development intact, allow parents to continue parenting, and protect minors from lawful prosecution.

Pro-Life Wisconsin: Testimony in opposition to Assembly Bill 458: Providing instruction in human growth and development.

Wisconsin Family Council, Testimony in Opposition to Assembly Bill 458, Assembly Committee on Education, by Julaine K. Appling, President

Randy Melchert reports on the hearing HERE.  Melchert describes this testimony:  "Following a supporter of the bill, Matt Sande, Legislative Affairs Director for Pro Life Wisconsin, representing 35,000 Wisconsinites who were unable to make the hastily scheduled public hearing, spokeand about three minutes into his summary, the Chair cut him off. Following discussions among the committee, Sande was granted 15-20 seconds to finish his testimony. Rep. Leah Vukmir objected to the seemingly arbitrary time limits of the committee and confronted Rep. Pope-Roberts, who attempted to repeatedly gavel Rep. Vukmir into submission.

Here is the video: