To become known.
Welcome..... Wissup??
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The passage of Health Care Reform - Step-by-step socialism
It was inevitable.
Washington (CNN) -- The House of Representatives on Saturday night passed a sweeping health care bill by a vote of 220-215.
The House Democrats needed 218 votes to ensure passage of the bill. On Saturday, it appeared the vote would come down to the wire, as the intentions of some conservative Democrats remained unknown.
In the final tally, 219 Democrats voted for the legislation, and 39 voted against it.
Rep. Joe Cao (R-Louisiana) was the only Republican who voted in favor of the bill.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
PFOX asks for RESCIND of Award being given to West Bend Library
Letter from PFOX to Graduate SLIS. The SLIS has refused to respond. The truth hits home, doesn't it? WHO is censoring? Guess we know the answer to that one.
Dear Faculty of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Please rescind your award to the West Bend Community Memorial Library in West Bend, Wisconsin, as the recipient of the 2009 Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. Contrary to your beliefs, this library bans ex-gay books for children, and therefore cannot be considered a champion of intellectual freedom. We at PFOX have repeatedly asked the Library Director Michael Tyree to place an ex-gay children’s book in the library which we offered to donate to the library’s shelves. He has refused to do so, in effect only allowing gay children’s books. Banning ex-gay books for children while allowing gay themed books should not be rewarded.
Although your press release mentions that the American Library Association has issued statements in support of this library and against censorship of controversial books, the ALA has refused to state specifically that libraries should not ban ex-gay books. Please issue such a statement so that we can encourage the ALA and all other intellectual freedom organizations to stand boldly for actual intellectual freedom.
Thank you for your consideration,
Regina Griggs
Executive Director
Communist Christmas Tree in the White House
Chairman Mao Zedong graces the presidential Christmas tree in our very own White House. Another curiosity? An ornament with Obama's face on....Mt. Rushmore? It's there. And more. Designed by Simon Doonan, the tree is an assault on family values and a tribute to communism.
Click on quote below for photos:
Click on quote below for photos:
These photos of ornaments on the White House Christmas tree in the Blue Room were taken just days ago. Of course, Mao has his place in the White House.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Milwaukee and Madison Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills Next on the Hit List
The same group that caught the deception at the Appleton (un)Planned Parenthood killing facility has promised to produce more convicting evidence of PP propaganda soon. Sure would be nice to see our tax dollars go buh-bye for this organization. Hats off to Lila Rose.
Pat McIlheran writes about it HERE:
Pat McIlheran writes about it HERE:
After Lila Rose posted undercover video of a Planned Parenthood abortion counselor covering up statutory rape, PBS pundit Bonnie Erbe groused online that the student doing the sting should be prosecuted for trespassing. Besides, said Erbe, since those opposing abortion will never win, "why don't they just go away?"
Yes, nothing to see here.
But of course there is, the latest being a sting by Rose's kids-with-cameras group, Live Action, at the Planned Parenthood abortuary in Appleton.
As Journal Sentinel community columnist Kathy Banaszak pointed out, such "counsel" - and it was all the counseling the ostensible customer got from Planned Parenthood - utterly fails in any ethical duty to inform a patient. It's a pitch, not advice, and it's based on demonstrable falsehoods about human development.
As Rose later put it to me, it's propaganda "trying to dehumanize that unborn child."
The reason this is publicly relevant is that it strikes directly at the claim by Planned Parenthood to be a neutral, reliable dispenser of information.
Rose, 21, and a college senior in Los Angeles, has been catching them for a couple of years now, getting Planned Parenthood clinics to say, on video, how to evade parental consent laws and other ethical niceties.As a result, the organization has fired staff in Indiana. Its taxpayer funding was cut off in Tennessee and threatened in California. Rose says her group picked Wisconsin because our law insists women be given accurate information. She says her group has more video forthcoming, showing misleading counsel in Milwaukee and Madison.
The Los Angeles Times labeled Rose's work "a new-media twist" for the pro-life cause. Now, by Internet, anyone can show video to the public, something that used to require a TV network.
West Bend Mason group has kids pledge to AID and UPHOLD governmental institution
The West Bend Masonic Lodge has a local chapter of the Order of Demolay. This chapter is open to KIDS and young adults ages 12 to 21.
The DeMoray chapter states the purpose of the club - "build confidence, teaches responsibility, encourages cooperation and community service, and fosters trust, respect, fellowship, patriotism, reverence and sharing throughout the organization."
(Sorry, I know it's small. The 5th line reads "I promised to aid and uphold the public schools.")
This sounds great, but I'm wondering about the "pledge" that the kids have to take in order to become a DeMoray club lifetime member. The one in which they covenant to "AID and UPHOLD" the PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
I find this an oddity. Why would the Masons put a plug into children's minds that "aiding" and "upholding" a governmental institution should be their lifetime goal? One's first inclination would consider the untoward advancement of a political agenda to indoctrinate as the answer. Of course, it could simply be what the purpose stated above reinforces, that being "ENCOURAGING COOPERATION."
Friday, December 18, 2009
Arlington Wreath Project
"In what began in 1992 as one man's dream and a heartfelt gesture, Worcester Wreath Company initiated the Arlington National Cemetery project - donating over 5000 wreaths each year to adorn the headstones of our fallen veterans.
2009 marks both the 18th anniversary of the Arlington Wreath Project, and the start of the Wreaths Across America campaign to honor veterans in each and every State and National cemetery across the country."
WHEDA spends $1400 on...FLOWERS?
After calling out WHEDA for spending $1400 on flowers for a Christmas party, Sen. Glenn Grothman receives this untoward response:
Grothman's response:
Some of you have been wondering what happened to my request that the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) not spend $1,400 on flowers at this year's Christmas party.
Of course, they shouldn't even have had a party at a total cost of over $10,000. In the correspondence I received from Antonio Riley, the Executive Director, they were defiant. They went ahead and spent the money. They felt that since they had given out money to various housing-related charities that they were entitled to spend $1,400 on flowers.
Quite frankly, this amazes me as I felt that they would just quietly not buy the flowers. I am sure there are many employees around the state that work hard at their jobs not getting flowers for Christmas because of it. I'm sure this matter will be discussed further at the next WHEDA Board meeting. Of course, it raises the question if there is such a lack of common sense on such a minor bill for $1,400, it is probably true that lack of common sense is also being displayed on larger matters involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Grothman's response:
Some of you have been wondering what happened to my request that the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) not spend $1,400 on flowers at this year's Christmas party.
Of course, they shouldn't even have had a party at a total cost of over $10,000. In the correspondence I received from Antonio Riley, the Executive Director, they were defiant. They went ahead and spent the money. They felt that since they had given out money to various housing-related charities that they were entitled to spend $1,400 on flowers.
Quite frankly, this amazes me as I felt that they would just quietly not buy the flowers. I am sure there are many employees around the state that work hard at their jobs not getting flowers for Christmas because of it. I'm sure this matter will be discussed further at the next WHEDA Board meeting. Of course, it raises the question if there is such a lack of common sense on such a minor bill for $1,400, it is probably true that lack of common sense is also being displayed on larger matters involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.
West Bend School District Finance Admin. bites the dust?
Hidden INSIDE the blankets of the West Bend Daily News (keep it quiet, please). I just had to include the title given to this story by the WB News. Quits? Really! Gives a harsh tone to this story. But that's just my opinion. At any rate, I find this intriguing. Wonder what REALLY went on behind those closed doors? Do stay tuned.
West Bend School District’s administrator of finance quits
The West Bend School District will soon begin the search for a new administrator of finance.
Brian Dasher, who held the position for the past two years, submitted his letter of resignation to the district about a week ago and the school board approved his request after meeting in closed session Monday.
Dasher had been on medical leave since Oct. 5.
West Bend School District’s administrator of finance quits
The West Bend School District will soon begin the search for a new administrator of finance.
Brian Dasher, who held the position for the past two years, submitted his letter of resignation to the district about a week ago and the school board approved his request after meeting in closed session Monday.
Dasher had been on medical leave since Oct. 5.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Planned Parenthood - Liars, Murderers and Thieves, OH MY
Superior article written by Owen Robinson in today's West Bend News reveals information concerning the video in my previous post from the Planned Parenthood in Appleton, Wisconsin.
"In a recently released video produced by Live Action (, an undercover woman entered the Planned Parenthood clinic in Appleton under the false pretense that she was pregnant and seeking an abortion. In the video, she asked the staff and the doctor some questions about her pregnancy and received some startling answers.
The woman, who was reporting to be about eight weeks pregnant, asked about the heartbeat and was told by an employee, “Heart tones are at 7 weeks. Heart beat is when the fetus is active in the uterus – can survive – which is about 17 or 18 weeks.”
That would be news to most parents who have already heard their child’s heartbeat by eight weeks and, indeed, news to most doctors. TheCleveland Clinic says that the heartbeat can be heard as early as six weeks and is definitely audible by 11 weeks. If a parent hasn’t heard a heartbeat by 17 weeks, as the Planned Parenthood employee says, it’s a crisis.
The same Planned Parenthood employee tells the woman that “A fetus is what’s in your uterus right now. That is not a baby. A baby is what’s born at 40 weeks.” Parents of babies who were born prematurely would likely disagree. In the United States, babies are considered truly viable at about 24 week and some have survived when born earlier than that.
Beyond the dubious medical information that the Planned Parenthood clinic is dispensing, the salesmanship displayed would make a drug dealer blush. At one point, the doctor tells the woman, “You know, women die having babies.” When the woman asked if women die during abortions, he answered, “Yes, but it’s never happened to me.” "
We can thank our government for supporting entities such as the one mentioned above.
In 2005, it was reported that in the previous seven years Planned Parenthood had earned profits – or built a surplus – of more than $350 million. During that time, Planned Parenthood had been given government grants of nearly $1.5 billion.
I would call that "subsidizing the abortion industry".
Planned Parenthood rakes in over a quarter BILLION dollars per year while bragging about being the nation's largest abortion provider. Now there's something to be proud of!
Abby Johnson, former PP director in Texas, said "The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lakes Not Safe Yet
Fishermen - keep your panties on your shanties.
"The temperatures have plunged, but experts say the ice is not thick enough yet to travel on Lake Winnebago.
Ice expert Don Herman told the Oshkosh Northwestern there was only about a half inch to an inch of ice in the western bays of Lake Winnebago on Friday."
All in good time -
Sunday, December 13, 2009
West Bend School Board Meeting MONDAY night 7 p.m. - BARTON SCHOOL
Regular Board of Education Meeting
Barton Elementary - Gym
614 School Place
West Bend WI 53090 December 14, 2009
7:00 p.m.
7:00 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
7:01 3. Approval of Agenda
7:02 4. Recognition of Hannah Lawrence as a state qualifier for Diving
7:07 5. Student Reports – update on high school events
7:11 6. Superintendent’s Report-update on recent as well as upcoming events
7:14 7. Public Participation
7:16 8. Board Briefs – update on community events
7:26 9. Clerk’s Report (reminder: declarations due January 5, 2010 @ 5:00 p.m.)
10. Discussion
Leverage Point: Student Performance & Trend Data
7:29 a. Barton Elementary School Improvement Plan (15 minute
presentation, 5 minute Q & A)
Leverage Point: Strategic Infrastructure (Policy)
7:49 b. First Reading of revised Board Policy 830: Use of Facilities -
7:54 c. Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Delegate
7:59 d. Jackson Wireless Contract
11. Action Items
Leverage Point: Strategic Infrastructure (Fiscal)
8:04 a. Resolution Awarding the Sale of $7,300,000 General Obligation
Qualified School Construction Bonds (Tax Credit)
8:15 b. 2008-2009 Financial Audit
8:25 c. Consent Agenda
i. Minutes of the November 23, 2009 Regular Board
ii. Disbursements Posted to December 14, 2009
iii. Resignation
8:27 12. Reports
a. Facility Update
8:32 13. Committee Reports
a. Joint Instruction/Stakeholder Communications (12/14)
b. Joint Finance/Facilities (12/14)
Homeless Camp claim to fame "Obamaville"
I believe they have a captivated national audience on this one.
From WND:
From WND:
"Residents of Colorado Springs, Colo., have a mystery on their hands: Who came up with the idea to erect a sign reading "Welcome to Obamaville" on the site of a homeless tent camp in the city?
The sign, which was visible from the Cimarron Street ramp to Interstate 25, clearly conveyed a political jab at rising unemployment under President Barack Obama, for it read in full, "Welcome to Obamaville – Colorado's fastest growing community.""
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Planned Parenthood in Appleton, Wisconsin says Abortion is Safer than Childbirth
Watch this revealing undercover video to listen to the lies.
The intake nurse (?) and baby killer contradict each other as to when a baby is actually a baby. The nurse says "when it's born"; the killer says "6 or 7 months or so." They should really coordinate their deception if they want to sound believable.
The intake nurse (?) and baby killer contradict each other as to when a baby is actually a baby. The nurse says "when it's born"; the killer says "6 or 7 months or so." They should really coordinate their deception if they want to sound believable.
Snow Dumpage
Took a few more pics this a.m. before hitting the coffee pot. I like the "drive away and leave the mess for the kids" attitude! (Note tire tracks leaving the garage...)

(Above) My kids have always referred to this look as a "powdered sugar" day.
Looks like the Christmas bush out front may have to undergo a little rescue operation... >>>>>>
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
West Bend School District CLOSED for Wednesday - Official SNOW/PLAY day!
West Bend, Kewaskum, Hartford, Kettle Moraine Lutheran, Jackson - virtually of Washington County is shut down for Wednesday. Happy faces, kids! (Secretly working on my chore list now!)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Winter's Official Arrival
Snow Total 3-4" today.... SUNBURST SKI RESORT is open with up to 15" of snow base on two runs; three more runs being groomed and ready soon.
Schlafly Denounced ALA's Banned Books Week - Calls it "Bullying"
Curtsy to Safelibraries:
Transcription of commentary:
A few weeks ago, the American Library Association announcedwith much fanfare that it was celebrating the ridiculous event called “Banned Books Week.” This announcement accused Americans of being “zealots and bigots who live in fear of discourse” and of being “screamers and book banners and book burners.” This Association arranged events and set up displays at libraries all over the country to pretend we have a problem with censorship.
The American Library Association puts out a list of books that it claims are being censored, which is a fraud because only government can engage in censorship and I assure you that our government is not censoring books. A so-called list of “banned books” was created by crying “censorship” anytime library patrons or parents of public school children complain about risque books being given to their children. The American Library Association claims that there were 186 cases of supposed censorship last year. But those were merely cases of ordinary people filing complaints with schools or libraries. Nearly all of these challenges to books took place at schools, and the rest of the complaints involved books available in the youth or children’s section of public libraries. These complaints had nothing to do with any book read by an[y] adult. These people accused of being “book banners” are just ordinary parents who want to limit their own children’s exposure to material they consider harmful or obscene.
Banned Books Week is not a celebration of free speech. It's a way for leftwing bureaucrats to bully ordinary citizens by stigmatizing those who complain with nasty names such as ‘bigots,’ ‘screamers,’ and ‘book burners’. The purpose is to intimidate parents from ever complaining about books that are given to their own children.
Listen to entire commentary HERE.
Transcription of commentary:
A few weeks ago, the American Library Association announcedwith much fanfare that it was celebrating the ridiculous event called “Banned Books Week.” This announcement accused Americans of being “zealots and bigots who live in fear of discourse” and of being “screamers and book banners and book burners.” This Association arranged events and set up displays at libraries all over the country to pretend we have a problem with censorship.
The American Library Association puts out a list of books that it claims are being censored, which is a fraud because only government can engage in censorship and I assure you that our government is not censoring books. A so-called list of “banned books” was created by crying “censorship” anytime library patrons or parents of public school children complain about risque books being given to their children. The American Library Association claims that there were 186 cases of supposed censorship last year. But those were merely cases of ordinary people filing complaints with schools or libraries. Nearly all of these challenges to books took place at schools, and the rest of the complaints involved books available in the youth or children’s section of public libraries. These complaints had nothing to do with any book read by an[y] adult. These people accused of being “book banners” are just ordinary parents who want to limit their own children’s exposure to material they consider harmful or obscene.
Banned Books Week is not a celebration of free speech. It's a way for leftwing bureaucrats to bully ordinary citizens by stigmatizing those who complain with nasty names such as ‘bigots,’ ‘screamers,’ and ‘book burners’. The purpose is to intimidate parents from ever complaining about books that are given to their own children.
Listen to entire commentary HERE.
Fondy hunter gets 30-pointer
Believe it.
"Wayne Schumacher’s “lucky buck” holds the new state record as the largest non-typical buck shot with a bow in Wisconsin
The 30-point rack was measured Saturday by a team of certified scorers, earning the record-breaking score of 243 6/8 inches."
"It took two teams of certified scorers three hours to measure the rack, using steel cable and flexible steel tape measures, said scorer Mark Miller of Fond du Lac."
Friday, December 4, 2009
Straight No Chaser - Acapella
Just watched this group's performance on PBS. LOVED it!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hartford's WTKM ends Polka, starts Good Time Rock 'n Roll
A new genre for landmark Wisconsin radio station, WTKM AM 1540, Hartford. Bob Seeger til the cows come home.
Crusin' 1540 WTKM .:. Good Time Rock n' Roll
Crusin' 1540 WTKM .:. Good Time Rock n' Roll
Monday, November 30, 2009
Naughty and Nice List - What stores ban "Christmas"
This was just published by Liberty Counsel today. Some stores refuse to recognize Christmas whatsoever. Bah Humbug.
If you find a local store that openly celebrates Christmas, be sure to thank the manager! Feel free to drop me a note, I'll add it to a local list!
A.C. Moore – Web site: “Holiday Wishes From Us to You.” Report: 3 types of “Holiday” gift cards – when “Christmas” gift cards requested, store replied “We have to be politically correct.”
Albertsons – Web site: “Holiday Solutions” without mention of “Christmas.”
American Eagle – Web site: no mention of “Christmas.”
American Girl – Web site: “joy to the girl” on home page. “Holiday” everywhere but no mention of “Christmas” except items named by manufacturers.
NICE – Web site: “Christmas Trees” and “Christmas” decorations.
Barnes & Noble – Web site: “... free delivery by Christmas” on home page. Local stores play “Christmas” music.
Bass Pro Shops – Web site: “Time Passes … Hold on to Christmas” and “Classic Christmas” section. “Christmas” music playing in stores.
Bath and Body Works – Web site home page: “The Perfect Christmas…at Home,” “Spread Christmas Cheer with Holiday Home Fragrances” and “The Perfect Christmas Book.”
Bed, Bath, and Beyond – Web site: “Christmas Décor” section and “Merry Christmas” gift cards.
If you find a local store that openly celebrates Christmas, be sure to thank the manager! Feel free to drop me a note, I'll add it to a local list!
A.C. Moore – Web site: “Holiday Wishes From Us to You.” Report: 3 types of “Holiday” gift cards – when “Christmas” gift cards requested, store replied “We have to be politically correct.”
Albertsons – Web site: “Holiday Solutions” without mention of “Christmas.”
American Eagle – Web site: no mention of “Christmas.”
American Girl – Web site: “joy to the girl” on home page. “Holiday” everywhere but no mention of “Christmas” except items named by manufacturers.
NICE – Web site: “Christmas Trees” and “Christmas” decorations.
Barnes & Noble – Web site: “... free delivery by Christmas” on home page. Local stores play “Christmas” music.
Bass Pro Shops – Web site: “Time Passes … Hold on to Christmas” and “Classic Christmas” section. “Christmas” music playing in stores.
Bath and Body Works – Web site home page: “The Perfect Christmas…at Home,” “Spread Christmas Cheer with Holiday Home Fragrances” and “The Perfect Christmas Book.”
Bed, Bath, and Beyond – Web site: “Christmas Décor” section and “Merry Christmas” gift cards.
Friday, November 27, 2009
SB174 - Microstamping on handguns bill - PUBLIC HEARING on December 1
Committee on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and Housing PUBLIC HEARING
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
11:00 AM - or immediately following the executive session, whichever is later.
411 South - State Capitol
SB 174
SB 174
Senate Bill 174 - Relating to: creating a microstamping requirement for certain handguns, certification of compliance with the microstamping requirement, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
By Senators Coggs and Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Young, A. Williams, Turner, Berceau, Grigsby, Colon, Richards, Kessler, Sinicki and Pasch.
From the NRA-ILA:
Problems with "Micro-Stamping"
- "Micro-stamping" has repeatedly failed in tests.
- "Micro-stampings" are easily removed.
- Most gun crimes cannot be solved by "micro-stamping," or do not require "micro-stamping" to be solved.
- Most criminals get guns through unregulated channels.
- "Micro-stamping" would increase gun thefts, home invasions and burglaries, and expand the black market in guns..
- Most guns do not automatically eject fired cartridge cases.
- Only a small percentage of guns would be "micro-stamped."
- Most violent crimes don't involve guns. According to the FBI, 3/4 of violent crimes, including 1/3 of murders and 3/5 of robberies, are committed without guns.9
- "Micro-stamping" would waste money better spent on traditional crime-fighting and crime-solving efforts.
- "Micro-stamping" would expose police departments to lawsuits if officers fired "unsafe handguns."
Tiger Woods injured in crash
Just saw this. Hope he's okay.
Tiger Woods was injured in a car crash today. The report states his injuries are serious.
Tiger Woods was injured in a car crash today. The report states his injuries are serious.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
West Bend School Board Meeting EARLY tomorrow night
Regular Board of Education Meeting
West Bend West High School - Library
1305 E. Decorah Road
West Bend WI 53095 November 23, 2009
5:30 p.m.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cloture vote on Reid's health care bill TOMORROW.
Reid is trying to push a health care bill that will fund abortions with taxpayer money. Read below. Take action. Time is short.
From Traditional Values Coalition:
ON SATURDAY, "in a rare weekend session, the U.S. Senate is being forced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to vote on his 2,000+ page health care bill that funds abortion.
Reid’s health care bill was crafted in secret with Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and others without input from most Senators.
Reid’s bill will fund abortion on demand with taxpayer money and includes numerous tax increases as well.
The “cloture” vote on Saturday needs 60 votes to pass. This vote will be on a motion to move ahead with a vote on the bill itself. Once the cloture vote is won, the Reid’s abortion-funding bill can pass with a simple majority.
In short, if your Senator votes for cloture on Saturday, she or he is voting to pass the bill itself and to fund abortion with your tax dollars.
Senators can use their cloture vote to claim that all they wanted to do was to let the vote come to the floor – when in fact, they know that by casting their vote for cloture, the abortion-funding bill is sure to pass with a simple majority.
IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: Time is of the essence.
On Saturday, you will have to contact their Washington D.C. offices.
Your Senior US Senator
NAME: Sen. Herbert H. Kohl
District Phone: (608) 828-1200
Your Junior US Senator
NAME: Sen. Russ Feingold
District Phone: (608) 828-1200"
From Traditional Values Coalition:
ON SATURDAY, "in a rare weekend session, the U.S. Senate is being forced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to vote on his 2,000+ page health care bill that funds abortion.
Reid’s health care bill was crafted in secret with Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and others without input from most Senators.
Reid’s bill will fund abortion on demand with taxpayer money and includes numerous tax increases as well.
The “cloture” vote on Saturday needs 60 votes to pass. This vote will be on a motion to move ahead with a vote on the bill itself. Once the cloture vote is won, the Reid’s abortion-funding bill can pass with a simple majority.
In short, if your Senator votes for cloture on Saturday, she or he is voting to pass the bill itself and to fund abortion with your tax dollars.
Senators can use their cloture vote to claim that all they wanted to do was to let the vote come to the floor – when in fact, they know that by casting their vote for cloture, the abortion-funding bill is sure to pass with a simple majority.
IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: Time is of the essence.
On Saturday, you will have to contact their Washington D.C. offices.
Your Senior US Senator
NAME: Sen. Herbert H. Kohl
District Phone: (608) 828-1200
Your Junior US Senator
NAME: Sen. Russ Feingold
District Phone: (608) 828-1200"
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
From the mouths of babes.
It appears the ACLU, with it's cohort ALA (American Library Association), were pounding on a Florida school in order to keep a book that the school board wanted removed from the school library, citing it "presented an inaccurate picture of life in Cuba." The original complaint was filed by a former political prisoner of Cuba. Whether this information about the book itself is true or not, I can't say, but I find it ironic that the very same organizations that came into West Bend, demanded their version of FREE SPEECH, then CENSORED community standards, has taken their battle to Miami to do the same - AND LOST.
School board members in Miami have won their battle to remove a children's book from the shelves of Miami-Dade school libraries because they said the book presented an inaccurate picture of life in Cuba.
The board majority said the book was inaccurate and contained several omissions about life in Cuba under Fidel Castro....
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida had appealed to the high court to overturn the 11th Circuit decision.
The action lets stand a 2-1 ruling by the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals that the school board's decision to remove the book was not censorship in violation of the First Amendment. Instead, the Atlanta-based appeals court said the school board was seeking to remove the book because it contained substantial factual inaccuracies.
He (ACLU Exec. Dir. Howard Simon) added, "If that is to become the new standard for censoring books from public library shelves, the ACLU may be immersed in censorship battles for years to come."
Bring it on!
I think Cuba would gladly welcome the ACLU and ALA. Perhaps they should consider relocating.
Here is the ALA commentary:
Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, told American Libraries,“Naturally we are disappointed with this decision. The book ban is unconstitutional, and we will continue to support the ACLU’s efforts to return the books to the shelves of the Miami-Dade school libraries.” ALA’s Freedom to Read Foundation had filed an amicus curiae brief (PDF file) for the plaintiffs in ACLU of Florida v. Miami-Dade School Board, along with Reforma and other groups.
Source: "Appeals Court: Miami-Dade Book Ban Isn't Censorship," by ALA, American Libraries, 11 February 2009.
It appears the ACLU, with it's cohort ALA (American Library Association), were pounding on a Florida school in order to keep a book that the school board wanted removed from the school library, citing it "presented an inaccurate picture of life in Cuba." The original complaint was filed by a former political prisoner of Cuba. Whether this information about the book itself is true or not, I can't say, but I find it ironic that the very same organizations that came into West Bend, demanded their version of FREE SPEECH, then CENSORED community standards, has taken their battle to Miami to do the same - AND LOST.
School board members in Miami have won their battle to remove a children's book from the shelves of Miami-Dade school libraries because they said the book presented an inaccurate picture of life in Cuba.
The board majority said the book was inaccurate and contained several omissions about life in Cuba under Fidel Castro....
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida had appealed to the high court to overturn the 11th Circuit decision.
The action lets stand a 2-1 ruling by the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals that the school board's decision to remove the book was not censorship in violation of the First Amendment. Instead, the Atlanta-based appeals court said the school board was seeking to remove the book because it contained substantial factual inaccuracies.
He (ACLU Exec. Dir. Howard Simon) added, "If that is to become the new standard for censoring books from public library shelves, the ACLU may be immersed in censorship battles for years to come."
Bring it on!
I think Cuba would gladly welcome the ACLU and ALA. Perhaps they should consider relocating.
Here is the ALA commentary:
Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, told American Libraries,“Naturally we are disappointed with this decision. The book ban is unconstitutional, and we will continue to support the ACLU’s efforts to return the books to the shelves of the Miami-Dade school libraries.” ALA’s Freedom to Read Foundation had filed an amicus curiae brief (PDF file) for the plaintiffs in ACLU of Florida v. Miami-Dade School Board, along with Reforma and other groups.
Source: "Appeals Court: Miami-Dade Book Ban Isn't Censorship," by ALA, American Libraries, 11 February 2009.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Habitat for Humanity DONATION DRIVE on SATURDAY
Habitat for Humanity DONATION DRIVE on SATURDAY
(Hwy. 45 S to Hwy. 60 E through Jackson to Living Word HS- large sign on corner)
"Proceeds from the ReStore help provide simple, decent housing to low-income families in Washington County, while reducing the volume of waste in local landfills and offering “A Second Chance for Building Materials.”
The Habitat ReStore accepts new and used building-related materials from contractors, suppliers, individuals, remodelers, and property managers. Some materials are used directly in the construction of Habitat homes, but most are offered to the general public to purchase at reduced prices. Want to donate?
HABITAT accepts:
Appliances (5 yrs old or newer) Lumber
Cabinets Millwork and Trim
Doors and Windows Paint (unopened white)
Electrical and Lighting Plumbing
Flooring Roofing
Hardware Tools
The Habitat ReStore accepts new and used building-related materials from contractors, suppliers, individuals, remodelers, and property managers. Some materials are used directly in the construction of Habitat homes, but most are offered to the general public to purchase at reduced prices. Want to donate?
HABITAT accepts:
Appliances (5 yrs old or newer) Lumber
Cabinets Millwork and Trim
Doors and Windows Paint (unopened white)
Electrical and Lighting Plumbing
Flooring Roofing
Hardware Tools
Not on the list? Please call 262-334-1801 and ask! Donations are accepted during ReStore business hours.
They cannot accept:
Lead based materials Electronics
Toxic materials Computer furniture
Used carpet or carpet pads Fireplaces
Colored paint Paint that has been used
They cannot accept:
Lead based materials Electronics
Toxic materials Computer furniture
Used carpet or carpet pads Fireplaces
Colored paint Paint that has been used
Catholic Campaign for Human Development a Scandal - BOYCOTT THE COLLECTION PLATE
Here is some info about the CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. West Bend's local pastor, Jeff Haines, of St. Francis Cabrini Church (262-338-2366), is an ADVOCATE of "Common Ground", a brainchild of socialist community organizer, Saul Alinsky. Catholics beware, be informed, be wise.
1) From this collection the Bishops gave
2) Just this year alone, the Bishops gave $247,000 to Chicago-style community organizing groups in Wisconsin (see below)
3) Pro-Life groups are NOT eligible for these funds
4) Pregnancy Care Centers are NOT eligible for these funds
5) Religious Orders are NOT eligible for these funds
6) Soup kitchens and homeless programs are NOT eligible for these funds.
One can only imagine how many staff could have been hired to fight Planned Parenthood’s agenda for our state, billboards that could have been displayed, tv commercials that could have been aired, newspaper ads that could have been printed, ultrasound machines that could have been purchased, buses that could have been sponsored for folks to attend the March for Life in DC in January, boxes of literature that could have been purchased for door-to-door distribution, etc., out of the
Wisconsin’s Bishops gave to Chicago-style community organizing groups this year.
Many Catholics across Wisconsin work hard flipping pancakes, frying fish and helping with other fundraising efforts, and are highly offended the Bishops just handing these radical left groups excessive checks.
This scandal has reached epic proportions such that several national Pro-Life/Pro-Family groups are calling for a nationwide
“Boycott the Collection Plate”
effort for the CCHD collection. Many of these organizations’ excellent articles and websites are listed below for easy access. The time has come for some serious accountability.
HERE ARE SOME CONVENIENT COUPONS for you to print off and share instead of dropping money in the collection plate - CLICK HERE!
Become well informed by reading the materials below or conduct your own research.
$247,000 Reasons
Why Wisconsin ’s Conservative Catholics
Should Consider Boycotting the Collection Plate
2009 Wisconsin Grantees for
Campaign for Human Development $, include:
Green Bay | ESTHER (Gamaliel Foundation Affiliate | $25,000 |
Green Bay | JOSHUA Justice Organization Sharing Hope & United for Action | $25,000 |
LaCrosse | AMOS (Gamaliel Foundation affiliate) | $25,000 |
LaCrosse | Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope | $25,000 |
Milwaukee | Common Ground – Industrial Areas Foundation – See Website | $40,000 |
Racine | RIC - Racine Interfaith Coalition (Gamaliel Foundation affiliate) | $25,000 |
Milwaukee | Voces dela Frontera – Illegal Aliens – See Website Newsletters | $50,000 |
Superior | Comunidad Hispana | $25,000 |
TOTAL: | $247,000 |
CCHD Brochure
CCHD PowerPoint
Catholic Bishops Give $7.3 Million to ACORN
Eagle Forum – Phyllis Schlafly Column “The Catholic Connection to Obama,”
Join the Boycott of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development – YouTube Video
American Life League Exposes CCHD Scandals
“Picking Pockets in the Pew – the Campaign for Human Development Scandal”– Catholic Media Coalition,
“A Sordid Tale About the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,” American Life League,
More Questions Surrounding CCHD Grantees – Bellarmine Veritas Ministry
Alinskyian Organizing - (Saul Alinsky is the Father of Community Organizing. He was a 1960s radical who founded the Industrial Areas Foundation in Chicago. Alinsky targeted Churches - Primarily Catholic Churches - as well as semininaries.)
Dissing the Organizer: Obama, ACORN, and Catholic Action
“ Cleveland Catholic Diocese Donated $30,000 to Group with Ties to NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League),”
“Social Justice: Code Word for Anti-Americanism,” Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly Report, January 2009.
The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost: Obama, ACORN, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development” by Stephanie Block, Catholic Media Coalition,
Case Studies from the CCHD -
See Human Life International’s website for an excellent collection of info.
“Catholic Citizens of Illinois Calls for Boycott of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,”
Contact info for Wisconsin's Bishops:
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
P.O. Box 070912
Milwaukee , WI 53207
1-800-769-9373 & (414) 769-3300
v Bishop Robert Morlino
Diocese of Madison
Vice-Pres. - Wis. Catholic Conference
St. Patrick's Church
404 E. Main Street Madison 53703
1-800-833-8452 (608) 256-5614, 821-3000
v Bishop Jerome Listecki
Diocese of LaCrosse
3710 East Ave. South LaCrosse 54602
(608) 788-7700
v Bishop David Ricken
Diocese of Green Bay
P.O. Box 23825 Green Bay 54305
(920) 437-7531
v Bishop Peter Christensen
Diocese of Superior
1201 Hughitt Ave. Superior 54880
(715) 392-2937
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