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Showing posts with label AnneGaylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AnneGaylor. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

Madison Woman Writes Checks to Help Kill Thousands of Babies....

More disturbing than words can express.  My commentary in red.

From the La Crosse Tribune:

MADISON — At all hours, strangers phone Anne Nicol Gaylor's Madison home, always desperate.
The caller one recent morning was a middle-aged woman with a 14-year-old pregnant daughter.
"What clinic will she be using?" asked Gaylor, 83, jotting down the response and the cost of a second-trimester abortion ($875).
Sounds a bit blasé, doesn't it?  Price quotes for baby killing?
"If we helped with $300, do you think you could find the rest?" Gaylor asked.
I call this "incentive money."  You could call it bribery, too.  You decide.
After the call, Gaylor opened a checkbook for the Women's Medical Fund, a Madison nonprofit that has helped pay for abortions for 34 years. Gaylor has written every check for every abortion.
First of all, let's not be surprised that this is happening in Madison.  Next, Gaylor has written every single check?  Control, thy name is Gaylor.  Women's Medical Fund?  Puhlease.  Let me help.  Women's Babykilling Fund.  Call it what it is.
This was No. 18,986.
We can only assume this means almost 19,000 babies were killed with the assistance of Gaylor and her ilk.  That means 19,000 "ooopsies," "accidents," "mistakes," "unwanteds," "low-class," "destined to be poor," "loser" babies didn't get the opportunity to contribute to society, prove themselves, make a difference....  I wonder how many were Wisconsinites?
The fund's sole purpose is to pay for abortions. Last year, it paid out $162,202, about 75 percent of which came from individual donors, the rest from foundations.
I find it appalling that there is a woman out there with an agenda to make sure that she has a part in killing as many babies as she can before she dies.  Seriously.
'All about the child'
I would agree with this, though it could be worded differently.  "All about GETTING RID OF the child," there, that's better.
The Supreme Court legalized abortion three years before the fund began, but many women simply couldn't afford the procedure, said Bob West, 82, of Madison, a professor emeritus of chemistry and co-founder of the fund with his wife, Margaret West, now deceased, and Gaylor. The three had become friends through the Madison chapter of the group Zero Population Growth.
Sounds like the Three Stooges found their counterparts.  The Butcher, the Snaker, the Blood Money Taker.
"For me, it was all about the child," he said.
Indeed.  The dead ones.
Anti-abortion activists have long been aware of the fund.
"It's a stark example of misguided compassion that serves as discrimination of the worst kind," said Peggy Hamill, state director of Pro-Life Wisconsin. "To finance extermination of pre-born children because those children would have been brought up poor is deplorable."
Gaylor said no one is chasing down low-income pregnant woman. [....] . She thinks critics would view the fund differently if they heard the calls.
Are you KIDDING ME?  I think not.  Ever.
On large families: "How presumptuous of someone to think the world is interested in a half-dozen or eight or 10 of their kids."
How presumptuous of someone to think the world is better off without them, and convincing others of same.
On anti-abortion activists: "They're religiously motivated, not intellectually motivated."
An opinion, one which she cannot prove and is simply using as a cover-up of the fact that most people with a conscience do not agree with her.
On abortion: "A blessing."
I don't think Jesus would agree.  What part of "thou shalt not kill" do you not understand?
Gaylor said she has never had an abortion but once witnessed the procedure when a woman asked her to be in the room for support. It did not change her views, she said.
This, in and of itself, would lend assurance to the ideal that Gaylor has no morals, no conscience, and no sense of personal value.  Does she even like people?
"The guy who got you pregnant, is he helping you pay?" she asked a 19-year-old woman............
She can't be serious.  The guy who "got" you pregnant?  As if the woman had no part and he just waved his "wand" and boom! she was impregnated?  I can't imagine how the woman's answer would make a difference to this woman.  As she would most likely say, "Just write the check."  Right?
"My regret is that we don't have $1 million a year to give away so that we could help more women," she said.
Is she related to Dr. (ick) Jack Kevorkian?  Hitler? Just sayin'....