This is kind of like asking for it. I can see if people were directly sharing their open opinions. When you set up a booth like that with life-sized cutouts, well....
Opinion, West Bend News, 07/30/09:
"My husband and I are Democrats. We manned the Democratic booth at the County Fair on Friday afternoon, and I was absolutely appalled at the behavior of some of the fairgoers. I was surprised to note faces filled with animosity and unveiled dislike after recognizing the life-size cutouts of President and Mrs. Obama.
There will always be differences in ideology between Democrats and Republicans. I can only guess at what causes this vitriolic physical and verbal reaction to the name or picture of President Obama."
I don't think you have to guess, lady. People were trying to tell you. Just listen. What we've been saying all along. Washington County is a conservative community. 'nuff said.
Welcome..... Wissup??
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Kettle Moraine Symphony "Symphony Garden Concert" Fundraiser
Totally love the Kettle Moraine Symphony....'
7th Annual Garden Concert
Enjoy an outdoor concert in the garden!
Rain or shine
Picnic lunch and refreshments available
12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
2708 Sherman Road, Jackson
Contact info:
Tickets on sale:
$10 at the gate
$8 in advance
$2 for children (12 and under)
Purchase at:
Lamm's Garden Center
M&I Banks (West Bend and Jackson)
or call 262-334-3469
Proceeds benefit: Living Word Lutheran
Sponsored by: Thrivent Financial
And now, for a sweet diversion from the usual rhetoric..

1 1/4 cups white sugar
1 cup sour cream
3 eggs
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups chopped fresh rhubarb
1 (9 inch) unbaked pie shell
1/3 cup white sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup butter, softened
1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
2.Beat 1 1/4 cups sugar, sour cream, eggs and 2 tablespoons flour in a large mixing bowl until smooth. Stir in vanilla and salt. Fold in rhubarb. Pour rhubarb mixture into pie shell.
3.Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven. Meanwhile, combine 1/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Cut in butter with fork or pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Set aside.
4.Remove pie from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Sprinkle topping mixture evenly over pie. Return pie to oven and bake until filling is set and crust and topping are golden brown, about 30 minutes.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fireside Books holds book signing Aug. 1 to promote gay book -
Just a reminder.... Gay community being pawned in an issue where homosexuality is not the issue. I continue to see this even on the blog. Diverting attention from the real issue of sexually-explicit books for minors. How about Fireside Books bringing in Esther Drill of "Deal With It" or Robie Harris, author of "It's Perfectly Normal?" That would make more sense now, wouldn't it? But of COURSE it would. Think about it.
This bookstore employee (correction, not "manager") openly does not agree with WBCFSL and believes in "all materials for all ages" just like YOUR library. It does not appear that Fireside Books aligns itself with other businesses in West Bend who have the best interests of minor children at hand. In an effort to send this message, the West Bend community is being treated to a book signing event. Somehow, Fireside Books just doesn't have the longevity and moral/ethical standards of long-time West Bend businesses who clearly do not display such arrogance in the face of parents and taxpayers in their community; therefore, our family chooses to boycott this business. The message goes two ways, Dennis.
Ready or Not...They’re Gay:
This bookstore employee (correction, not "manager") openly does not agree with WBCFSL and believes in "all materials for all ages" just like YOUR library. It does not appear that Fireside Books aligns itself with other businesses in West Bend who have the best interests of minor children at hand. In an effort to send this message, the West Bend community is being treated to a book signing event. Somehow, Fireside Books just doesn't have the longevity and moral/ethical standards of long-time West Bend businesses who clearly do not display such arrogance in the face of parents and taxpayers in their community; therefore, our family chooses to boycott this business. The message goes two ways, Dennis.
Ready or Not...They’re Gay:
Midwestern parents share personal story, tips for families of gay children - Authors: Paul and Hjordy Wagner
Monday, July 27, 2009
Darryl Worley at the Wash. Cty Fair - I Miss My Friend
Darryl Worley opened for LoneStar on Saturday night at the Washington County Fair. I have to say it...he was way, way, way better than LoneStar.
He sang this song. It was my favorite of the evening....
He sang this song. It was my favorite of the evening....
NC vendor ousted for political and religious products
We shop here when we visit family in the Charlotte area nearly every summer...
Curtsy to Right from the Right:
Curtsy to Right from the Right:
While protesters rallied in his support, the owner of a Concord Mills kiosk that sells conservative merchandise said he met with the mall's manager Sunday to see what arrangements can be made for him to remain after his lease expires Friday.
Spivack has contended that he's being kicked out of the mall for political reasons. He's traced his exile to a letter to the editor in the Charlotte Observer criticizing his business, saying it promotes “ideas such as racism, sexism and even slavery.”
He opened his Free Market Warrior kiosk last spring, selling such items as “Impeach Obama” bumper stickers and baby bibs that say, “My parents chose life. Thanks Mom and Dad!”
BookSlut recommended reading for adults
Found this interesting. It is an adult recommended reading list from the West Bend Community Memorial Library listed under "What To Read." It links up to a website called the BookSlut. The logo shows a naked woman lying on top of a book. You get the idea.
The website also includes columns called BookSlut in Training and CookbookSlut.
Does the School of Information Studies teach librarians to maintain professionalism? Or is this the new low of professionalism that public libraries are sinking to?
Just wondering.
Some additional info, thanks to a faithful follower!
Publisher's Weekly interview:
I don’t have the background people in publishing have,” literary blogger Jessa Crispin freely admits.
....., one of the first of the scores of literary blogs that have proliferated on the Web in recent years, is regarded as one of the most provocative and, at the same time, erudite of the book review sites. Bookslut has no fulltime employees other than Crispin...
According to Crispin, reviewers—whom she pays with books..
Working as a fund-raiser for Planned Parenthood in Austin, Tex., six years ago, Crispin started writing book reviews on her blog because, she said, “it took me one hour to do my job and I needed to fill the other seven hours.
Bookslut was created out of boredom.
Yep, sounds professional to me.
The website also includes columns called BookSlut in Training and CookbookSlut.
Does the School of Information Studies teach librarians to maintain professionalism? Or is this the new low of professionalism that public libraries are sinking to?
Just wondering.
Some additional info, thanks to a faithful follower!
Publisher's Weekly interview:
I don’t have the background people in publishing have,” literary blogger Jessa Crispin freely admits.
....., one of the first of the scores of literary blogs that have proliferated on the Web in recent years, is regarded as one of the most provocative and, at the same time, erudite of the book review sites. Bookslut has no fulltime employees other than Crispin...
According to Crispin, reviewers—whom she pays with books..
Working as a fund-raiser for Planned Parenthood in Austin, Tex., six years ago, Crispin started writing book reviews on her blog because, she said, “it took me one hour to do my job and I needed to fill the other seven hours.
Bookslut was created out of boredom.
Yep, sounds professional to me.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Peterson shoots self in foot this time.... Mocks community and Bible
Thanks to WB News today.......
"Let’s recap: a local group of fundamentalist Christians asks that a number of books be removed from the library’s shelves on completely unconstitutional grounds. "
"Julaine Appling, whose Wisconsin Family Council seminars provided the Maziarkas with the organizing skills..." OUTRIGHT LIE.
They need to go further with their demands and insist the library remove the most dangerous book in the kids section, a book more hazardous to teenagers than “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” and even more perilous than those dreadful biology books on sexuality (and evolution!) from the adult section; a book which is, arguably, the single greatest cause of spiritual distress and physical bloodshed in Western history: the New and Old Testaments of the Christian Bible. Let me be the first then to ask the Library Board this question: Do we want our children exposed to a book that includes obscenities like the following? 1. Depictions of daughters getting their father drunk so they can seduce him in order to become pregnant with their own siblings? (Genesis 19:30-36). 2. Descriptions of a prostitute trading sex for a goat? (Genesis 38:13-24). 3. Suggestions that you have your friends killed if you want to sleep with their wives? (2 Samuel 11). 4. An encouragement to marry your half sister and then let her arrange for her maid to become your mistress? (Genesis 16 and 20). 5. A defense of slavery, so long as the slaves come from neighboring countries? (Leviticus 25:44). 6. The conditions for selling your daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:7). 7. An insistence we kill any young entrepreneur who wants to deliver Sunday papers? (Exodus 35:2). 8. Forbidding playing football with the old pigskin? (Leviticus 11:6-8). 9. Shocking phrases like “She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses”? I mean, at what age is this appropriate? (Ezekiel 23:19-20).
10. Lurid language comparing your lover’s belly button to a goblet overflowing with wine and her breasts to fawns? (C’mon, fawns?) (Song of Songs, Chapter 7).
11. Communistic values like selling everything you own in order to subsidize the poor? (Matthew 19:21).
12. The claim that spiritual development is only possible when you learn to hate your parents, siblings, wife, and kids? (Luke 14:26).
13. And, finally, do we want anything on the shelves that teaches children to reduce matters of profound spiritual development to unanswerable, existential questions? (Ecclesiastes and Job). "
OVER AND OVER AGAIN, I have read commentaries such as Peterson's on numerous blogs. The Bible is tossed around as if it somehow depicts crude/raunchy/lurid sex acts such as those in "Deal With It" or "It's Perfectly Normal." Such comparisons are not only laughable, but greatly offensive to a faith-based community such as West Bend. Though Michael Tyree, himself, has stated that he will have to donate his eyes and ears to science if he hears the word "faith-based" one more time (I have the ORR to back this up), this is West Bend. Like it, Mark, or leave it.
By the way folks, DID YOU TAKE NOTE? Some of you parents are paying tuition right here at UWWC and footing this guy's salary. NICE.
"Let’s recap: a local group of fundamentalist Christians asks that a number of books be removed from the library’s shelves on completely unconstitutional grounds. "
"Julaine Appling, whose Wisconsin Family Council seminars provided the Maziarkas with the organizing skills..." OUTRIGHT LIE.
They need to go further with their demands and insist the library remove the most dangerous book in the kids section, a book more hazardous to teenagers than “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” and even more perilous than those dreadful biology books on sexuality (and evolution!) from the adult section; a book which is, arguably, the single greatest cause of spiritual distress and physical bloodshed in Western history: the New and Old Testaments of the Christian Bible. Let me be the first then to ask the Library Board this question: Do we want our children exposed to a book that includes obscenities like the following? 1. Depictions of daughters getting their father drunk so they can seduce him in order to become pregnant with their own siblings? (Genesis 19:30-36). 2. Descriptions of a prostitute trading sex for a goat? (Genesis 38:13-24). 3. Suggestions that you have your friends killed if you want to sleep with their wives? (2 Samuel 11). 4. An encouragement to marry your half sister and then let her arrange for her maid to become your mistress? (Genesis 16 and 20). 5. A defense of slavery, so long as the slaves come from neighboring countries? (Leviticus 25:44). 6. The conditions for selling your daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:7). 7. An insistence we kill any young entrepreneur who wants to deliver Sunday papers? (Exodus 35:2). 8. Forbidding playing football with the old pigskin? (Leviticus 11:6-8). 9. Shocking phrases like “She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses”? I mean, at what age is this appropriate? (Ezekiel 23:19-20).
10. Lurid language comparing your lover’s belly button to a goblet overflowing with wine and her breasts to fawns? (C’mon, fawns?) (Song of Songs, Chapter 7).
11. Communistic values like selling everything you own in order to subsidize the poor? (Matthew 19:21).
12. The claim that spiritual development is only possible when you learn to hate your parents, siblings, wife, and kids? (Luke 14:26).
13. And, finally, do we want anything on the shelves that teaches children to reduce matters of profound spiritual development to unanswerable, existential questions? (Ecclesiastes and Job). "
OVER AND OVER AGAIN, I have read commentaries such as Peterson's on numerous blogs. The Bible is tossed around as if it somehow depicts crude/raunchy/lurid sex acts such as those in "Deal With It" or "It's Perfectly Normal." Such comparisons are not only laughable, but greatly offensive to a faith-based community such as West Bend. Though Michael Tyree, himself, has stated that he will have to donate his eyes and ears to science if he hears the word "faith-based" one more time (I have the ORR to back this up), this is West Bend. Like it, Mark, or leave it.
By the way folks, DID YOU TAKE NOTE? Some of you parents are paying tuition right here at UWWC and footing this guy's salary. NICE.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mark Belling suing City of West Bend
..for refusal to respond to ORR request.
The podcast will be available below once it is posted. Stay tuned.....
The segment starts @ 8:44 into podcast.
The podcast will be available below once it is posted. Stay tuned.....
The segment starts @ 8:44 into podcast.
Johnsonville sausage plant on fire....
One could make brat jokes about this, but considering a worker got burned it really isn't joke material.
Hope no-one else gets hurt in this blaze...
SHEBOYGAN Co., Wis. -- A Johnsonville Sausage plant has been evacuated in Sheboygan because of a fire. More than 300 workers had to leave the building.
The plant is located on Johnsonville Way, which is right off of Highway J.
One worker is being treated for second-degree burns.
Hope no-one else gets hurt in this blaze...
SHEBOYGAN Co., Wis. -- A Johnsonville Sausage plant has been evacuated in Sheboygan because of a fire. More than 300 workers had to leave the building.
The plant is located on Johnsonville Way, which is right off of Highway J.
One worker is being treated for second-degree burns.
West Bend Library Board rewrites policy - EXCLUDES parents, gives broad access to MINORS
Here ya go.
This month, the WBCML Library Board quietly REWROTE their "Materials Selection Policy" to include:
"Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library materials will be sequestered.
Responsibility for reading and the use of the library by children rests with their parents and legal guardians. At no time will library staff act in loco parentis.
Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of children.
While a person may reject materials for himself or herself, or for his or her children, he or she cannot exercise censorship to restrict access to the material by others."
This month, the WBCML Library Board quietly REWROTE their "Materials Selection Policy" to include:
"Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library materials will be sequestered.
Responsibility for reading and the use of the library by children rests with their parents and legal guardians. At no time will library staff act in loco parentis.
Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of children.
While a person may reject materials for himself or herself, or for his or her children, he or she cannot exercise censorship to restrict access to the material by others."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Don't want to play? Too late, you already are.
A friend sent this to me...
The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything! Tokens include a bus, a teleprompter, a sprig of arugula and a waffle iron. Wanna play? No?
Too bad, you're already playing ... and, quite frankly, in this game, nobody wins. How fun!

The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything! Tokens include a bus, a teleprompter, a sprig of arugula and a waffle iron. Wanna play? No?
Too bad, you're already playing ... and, quite frankly, in this game, nobody wins. How fun!

Quote by James Madison - Happy Wednesday!
"If individuals be not influenced by moral principles; it is in vain to look for public virtue; it is, therefore, the duty of legislators to enforce, both by precept and example, the utility, as well as the necessity of a strict adherence to the rules of distributive justice."
--James Madison, response to Washington's first Inaugural address, 1789
--James Madison, response to Washington's first Inaugural address, 1789
ADF and WI Family Action file suite against DOYLE for sneaking domestic partnership registry into BUDGET
Oh yes, he did.
This morning WFC’s sister organization, Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) filed a petition for an original action with the Wisconsin Supreme Court, through their attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund and ADF-allied attorneys Richard Esenberg and Michael Dean of First Freedoms Foundation, asking for a permanent injunction against the statewide, same-sex domestic partnership registry authored by Gov. Doyle in the state budget.
WFA’s press release explains that the petitioners, WFA board members Julaine Appling, Jerry Hiller and E. Lee Webster, and their attorneys believe the registry violates the Wisconsin Marriage Protection Amendment, approved by 1.2 million Wisconsin voters in November, 2006 (59.4% to 41.6%).
This morning WFC’s sister organization, Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) filed a petition for an original action with the Wisconsin Supreme Court, through their attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund and ADF-allied attorneys Richard Esenberg and Michael Dean of First Freedoms Foundation, asking for a permanent injunction against the statewide, same-sex domestic partnership registry authored by Gov. Doyle in the state budget.
WFA’s press release explains that the petitioners, WFA board members Julaine Appling, Jerry Hiller and E. Lee Webster, and their attorneys believe the registry violates the Wisconsin Marriage Protection Amendment, approved by 1.2 million Wisconsin voters in November, 2006 (59.4% to 41.6%).
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
MA library director getting away with murder - Child porn brought to forefront
Citizens DO have a voice in their community, contrary to what a local West Bend attorney might think.
Curtsy to Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries:
Someone in Holyoke, MA, is getting away with murder. Getting away with murder is an idiom for not being punished for what would bring punishment to others. In the Holyoke Public Library, someone is getting away with child pornography, and in my opinion, it is library director Maria Pagan. Might it also be the library board itself for covering up a cover up?
Residents again feel safe to bring their kids to the Maple Street library, but aren't sure the director, the one accused of a cover up, should go unpunished."The first thing she should've done is bring it to somebody's attention and that should've been the police," says Brenda Cruz.However, the library, admits no wrong.
But your opinion is more important. See if you agree that Maria Pagan and perhaps the library board itself is getting away with murder. Watch the CBS 3 Springfield (WSHM) video newscast here:
"Holyoke Library Bolsters Security Post Porn Incident,"by Matthew Campbell, CBS 3 Springfield, 21 July 2009.
By the way, Holyoke citizens, congratulations on getting Internet filters. But according to the librarian who outed the library director, the library director claimed opposition to the USA PATRIOT Act as why she failed to act.
Ditto to Holyoke citizens. Way to go!
Curtsy to Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries:
Someone in Holyoke, MA, is getting away with murder. Getting away with murder is an idiom for not being punished for what would bring punishment to others. In the Holyoke Public Library, someone is getting away with child pornography, and in my opinion, it is library director Maria Pagan. Might it also be the library board itself for covering up a cover up?
Residents again feel safe to bring their kids to the Maple Street library, but aren't sure the director, the one accused of a cover up, should go unpunished."The first thing she should've done is bring it to somebody's attention and that should've been the police," says Brenda Cruz.However, the library, admits no wrong.
But your opinion is more important. See if you agree that Maria Pagan and perhaps the library board itself is getting away with murder. Watch the CBS 3 Springfield (WSHM) video newscast here:
"Holyoke Library Bolsters Security Post Porn Incident,"by Matthew Campbell, CBS 3 Springfield, 21 July 2009.
By the way, Holyoke citizens, congratulations on getting Internet filters. But according to the librarian who outed the library director, the library director claimed opposition to the USA PATRIOT Act as why she failed to act.
Ditto to Holyoke citizens. Way to go!
Religious teachers not protected in WI nondiscrimination policies
Exactly why the hate crimes law, West Bend School District's harassment policy, and workplace nondiscrimination policies are biased and are being used covertly to shut down Christians and other people of faith. VERY DANGEROUS INDEED.
WB News today:
MADISON (AP) — Many religious school teachers are not protected by Wisconsin laws aimed at stopping discrimination in the workplace, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
Justice Michael Gableman said all employees whose positions are closely linked to the religious mission of their employers cannot make claims like age, gender and racial discrimination under the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act. In the past, courts had generally only exempted religious leaders like ordained clergy and ministers from such laws.
Seems there's a teacher that had been let go from her job who is claiming age discrimination with her employer as the reason for her termination. If she could prove that her job was more secular in nature, she would be able to move forward with her complaint. Because she held a "religious" position, however, no can do.
WB News today:
MADISON (AP) — Many religious school teachers are not protected by Wisconsin laws aimed at stopping discrimination in the workplace, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
Justice Michael Gableman said all employees whose positions are closely linked to the religious mission of their employers cannot make claims like age, gender and racial discrimination under the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act. In the past, courts had generally only exempted religious leaders like ordained clergy and ministers from such laws.
Seems there's a teacher that had been let go from her job who is claiming age discrimination with her employer as the reason for her termination. If she could prove that her job was more secular in nature, she would be able to move forward with her complaint. Because she held a "religious" position, however, no can do.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Plymouth youth planning "Bible Fight" - not what you think
In my opinion, this is inappropriate and disrespectful. In Plymouth City Park nonetheless...
Curtsy to: Irate Tireless Majority
Apparently some of the young people of Plymouth, WI have decided to have a Bible fight in Plymouth's City Park. Perhaps you believe that this event is going to be a doctrinal debate or a debate between young atheists and believers. Young people who have studied their own beliefs and are willing to stand up in a public forum and discuss them rationally with others. While I know a few young people in Plymouth who really do know what they believe, doctrinally, and would be willing to do such a thing, I am sad to say it is not so.
This is a group of teenagers who, I am assured, are mostly atheists or agnostics who will be throwing Bibles at one another in a game of pseudo dodge ball. I have no doubt that their parents will look lovingly on as their children purchase Bibles, thinking how wonderful it is that their children love God enough to want to purchase their own Bible.
Curtsy to: Irate Tireless Majority
Apparently some of the young people of Plymouth, WI have decided to have a Bible fight in Plymouth's City Park. Perhaps you believe that this event is going to be a doctrinal debate or a debate between young atheists and believers. Young people who have studied their own beliefs and are willing to stand up in a public forum and discuss them rationally with others. While I know a few young people in Plymouth who really do know what they believe, doctrinally, and would be willing to do such a thing, I am sad to say it is not so.
This is a group of teenagers who, I am assured, are mostly atheists or agnostics who will be throwing Bibles at one another in a game of pseudo dodge ball. I have no doubt that their parents will look lovingly on as their children purchase Bibles, thinking how wonderful it is that their children love God enough to want to purchase their own Bible.
Some sunny pics of Florida...
Washington County Fair Lineup
TONIGHT, "Fairest of the Fair" competition at 6 p.m. Fair admission special is $2 per person; 8 and under FREE.
Wednesday, July 22....FARM TRACTOR PULL ......................7:00 P.M.
Thursday, July 23........DAVID COOK with opening act
Friday, July 24............LONESTAR with special guest
DARRYL WORLEY ...........7:00 P.M.
Saturday, July 25........STEVE MILLER BAND.........................8:30 P.M.
Sunday, July 26..........TRUCK PULL.......................................2:00 P.M.
There is a FREE SHUTTLE service running to the fairgrounds on THURSDAY and SATURDAY due to the expected overflow parking expected for the concerts.
THURSDAY: The shuttle will run from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. and leaves from the UWWC parking lot.
SATURDAY: The shuttle will run from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m., leaving from the UWWC parking lot, as well.
Wednesday, July 22....FARM TRACTOR PULL ......................7:00 P.M.
Thursday, July 23........DAVID COOK with opening act
Friday, July 24............LONESTAR with special guest
DARRYL WORLEY ...........7:00 P.M.
Saturday, July 25........STEVE MILLER BAND.........................8:30 P.M.
Sunday, July 26..........TRUCK PULL.......................................2:00 P.M.
There is a FREE SHUTTLE service running to the fairgrounds on THURSDAY and SATURDAY due to the expected overflow parking expected for the concerts.
THURSDAY: The shuttle will run from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. and leaves from the UWWC parking lot.
SATURDAY: The shuttle will run from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m., leaving from the UWWC parking lot, as well.
Monday, July 20, 2009
FBI - West Bend man indicted in child porn case

FBI/Milwaukee reports:
West Bend, Wisconsin Man Indicted for Sexual Exploitation of a
Child and Possession of Child Pornography
Acting United States Attorney Michelle L. Jacobs announced today that Martin A. Ott, 55, from West Bend, Wisconsin, was indicted today for sexual exploitation of a child which involved the production of child pornography and possession of child pornography. Ott was originally arrested on December 18, 2008, after a federal search warrant was executed at his residence in West Bend, Wisconsin.
Child and Possession of Child Pornography
Acting United States Attorney Michelle L. Jacobs announced today that Martin A. Ott, 55, from West Bend, Wisconsin, was indicted today for sexual exploitation of a child which involved the production of child pornography and possession of child pornography. Ott was originally arrested on December 18, 2008, after a federal search warrant was executed at his residence in West Bend, Wisconsin.
According to Acting United States Attorney Michelle L. Jacobs, the “Department of Justice has made the protection of our nation’s children a top priority through Project Safe Childhood, and prosecutions such as this further this priority.” (emphasis mine)
Really? The DOJ is deciding how to protect our kids? It's their "top priority?" I wonder if they would want to take a look at some of our library computers?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Porn filters welcomed at Michigan library
A Michigan library's action may provide the motivation for a statewide campaign against pornography.
The district library board in Owosso decided to protect its patrons, especially children, by installing Internet filters on library computers to screen out pornography. Gary Glenn heads the American Family Association of Michigan.
"Families and children should be protected from being exposed to pornography in a public library, financed by taxpayers, and children should not have to share their public library with adult men who go to the library just for the purpose of accessing hardcore pornography," he contends.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Federal census goes too far...gets into your business
Looking over this extended Census Survey form on the US Census website should raise the American eyebrow...
Questions dig deep into your .....bathroom?
Sample questions:
a. How many separate rooms are in this
house, apartment, or mobile home?
Rooms must be separated by built-in
archways or walls that extend out at least
6 inches and go from floor to ceiling.
Does this house, apartment, or mobile
home have –
a. hot and cold running water?
b. a flush toilet?
c. a bathtub or shower?
d. a sink with a faucet?
e. a stove or range?
f. a refrigerator?
g. telephone service from
which you can both make
and receive calls? Include
cell phones.
Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.
a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)
b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)
c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities
d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability
f. VA (including those who have ever
used or enrolled for VA health care)
e. TRICARE or other military health care
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
and much, much more.
I mean, MUCH, much more.
Look it over. Are YOU going to give up that much info to Obama?
Questions dig deep into your .....bathroom?
Sample questions:
a. How many separate rooms are in this
house, apartment, or mobile home?
Rooms must be separated by built-in
archways or walls that extend out at least
6 inches and go from floor to ceiling.
Does this house, apartment, or mobile
home have –
a. hot and cold running water?
b. a flush toilet?
c. a bathtub or shower?
d. a sink with a faucet?
e. a stove or range?
f. a refrigerator?
g. telephone service from
which you can both make
and receive calls? Include
cell phones.
Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.
a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)
b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)
c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities
d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability
f. VA (including those who have ever
used or enrolled for VA health care)
e. TRICARE or other military health care
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
and much, much more.
I mean, MUCH, much more.
Look it over. Are YOU going to give up that much info to Obama?
Census = Counting people....
...not personal profiling.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
West Bend not the only ones UNinvited to ALA Convention
Well, well, well. Deju vu.
"Perhaps it is time for all the librarians to get their heads out of their books to digest, and then practice, some of the solid information therein.
Many librarians are now at the American Library Association (ALA) convention where a panel informing librarians on aspects of ethnic diversity has been canceled because a speaker's views were. . .too diverse for the other panelists!
According to this / report in the Washington Times , three of the four speakers scheduled to speak as part of a panel, "Perspectives on Islam: Beyond Stereotyping" canceled because they disapproved of the fourth speaker, Robert Spencer.
"While I heartily endorse the principles of free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are part of the ALA mission, the way in which this information session about Islam and Muslims ... was modified and politicized at the last moment raises serious concerns about the integrity of the session," she (panelist Marcia Hermanson) said.
It appears the free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are a part of the ALA mission are only those that agree with the ALA. Free indeed.
"While I heartily endorse the principles of free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are part of the ALA mission, the way in which this information session about Islam and Muslims ... was modified and politicized at the last moment raises serious concerns about the integrity of the session," she said.
"He starts from the point of view that Islam is evil. I don't see the need to debate that."
Mr. Spencer challenged that interpretation of his views in an e-mail to The Times.
"Terrorists use the texts and teachings of Islam to make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and to justify their war against the United States and the West. I explore how they do it," he said.
And that just might be too much for the ALA. After all this is the same organization which campaigned against the Patriot Act allowing the FBI, after jumping through a few hoops, to trace who searched for terrorist instructions on library computers. And at an earlier convention, they hosted a Hugo Chavez apologist and refused to help their beleaguered counterparts in Cuba from Fidel Castro but opposed US sanctions against Cuba."
"Perhaps it is time for all the librarians to get their heads out of their books to digest, and then practice, some of the solid information therein.
Many librarians are now at the American Library Association (ALA) convention where a panel informing librarians on aspects of ethnic diversity has been canceled because a speaker's views were. . .too diverse for the other panelists!
According to this / report in the Washington Times , three of the four speakers scheduled to speak as part of a panel, "Perspectives on Islam: Beyond Stereotyping" canceled because they disapproved of the fourth speaker, Robert Spencer.
"While I heartily endorse the principles of free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are part of the ALA mission, the way in which this information session about Islam and Muslims ... was modified and politicized at the last moment raises serious concerns about the integrity of the session," she (panelist Marcia Hermanson) said.
It appears the free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are a part of the ALA mission are only those that agree with the ALA. Free indeed.
"While I heartily endorse the principles of free expression and diversity of viewpoints that are part of the ALA mission, the way in which this information session about Islam and Muslims ... was modified and politicized at the last moment raises serious concerns about the integrity of the session," she said.
"He starts from the point of view that Islam is evil. I don't see the need to debate that."
Mr. Spencer challenged that interpretation of his views in an e-mail to The Times.
"Terrorists use the texts and teachings of Islam to make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and to justify their war against the United States and the West. I explore how they do it," he said.
And that just might be too much for the ALA. After all this is the same organization which campaigned against the Patriot Act allowing the FBI, after jumping through a few hoops, to trace who searched for terrorist instructions on library computers. And at an earlier convention, they hosted a Hugo Chavez apologist and refused to help their beleaguered counterparts in Cuba from Fidel Castro but opposed US sanctions against Cuba."
West Bend is the fall guy
In a prior blog comment, Maria Hanrahan (WBPFFS), West Bend Parents for Free Sex, um, I mean Free Speech (ooops, sorry 'bout that) stated about the ALA Conference:
"No trash talking about West Bend will occur, contrary to Ruth's and WBCFSL's comments."
According to the WB News today, that was not exactly a truthful statement WAS IT?.....
"Five representatives of the West Bend Community Memorial Library expressed some frustration with the media, but said their actions were vindicated with the way the fiery issue of books that dealt with homosexuality and teenagers played itself out last month."
"It was a rough process at times as the Library Board had to be careful in its response in accordance to open meeting laws as well as advice from the city attorney, officials said Monday."
“We felt very hamstrung by the idea that we had to stick to library procedures because the minute you step away from library procedures and start to acquiesce to ad hoc complaints, then you lose control of how things function at your institution,” said Barbara Deters, Library Board president."
"Representatives of the board vented some frustration Monday with the way the local and national media covered the story, citing inaccurate coverage."
“The blogs tend to be more inflammatory than effective,” said Mary Reilly-Kliss..."
"Library Director Michael Tyree echoed that sentiment."
“This has shown me that sensationalism and catchy sound bites are the things that reach the editor and takes over talk radio,” he said. “Rational discourse does not sell.”
Uh huh. Right.
"No trash talking about West Bend will occur, contrary to Ruth's and WBCFSL's comments."
According to the WB News today, that was not exactly a truthful statement WAS IT?.....
"Five representatives of the West Bend Community Memorial Library expressed some frustration with the media, but said their actions were vindicated with the way the fiery issue of books that dealt with homosexuality and teenagers played itself out last month."
"It was a rough process at times as the Library Board had to be careful in its response in accordance to open meeting laws as well as advice from the city attorney, officials said Monday."
“We felt very hamstrung by the idea that we had to stick to library procedures because the minute you step away from library procedures and start to acquiesce to ad hoc complaints, then you lose control of how things function at your institution,” said Barbara Deters, Library Board president."
"Representatives of the board vented some frustration Monday with the way the local and national media covered the story, citing inaccurate coverage."
“The blogs tend to be more inflammatory than effective,” said Mary Reilly-Kliss..."
"Library Director Michael Tyree echoed that sentiment."
“This has shown me that sensationalism and catchy sound bites are the things that reach the editor and takes over talk radio,” he said. “Rational discourse does not sell.”
Uh huh. Right.
Friends for Life at WB Farmer's Market THIS Saturday
Friends For Life will be at the Farmer's Market in West Bend this Saturday. They are a pro-life ministry helping woman and teens facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Volunteers will be on hand to share with the community and answer questions.
Cookies and other refreshments will be available.
You can learn more about Friends for Life at their website -
Volunteers will be on hand to share with the community and answer questions.
Cookies and other refreshments will be available.
You can learn more about Friends for Life at their website -
Monday, July 13, 2009
ALA Conference - Chicago - West Bend Going Down
Yes, West Bend - TODAY.
These are YOUR librarians and YOUR mayoral appointed Library Board PRESIDENT telling ALA conference participants how they shut YOU down.
Yes, indeed.
Book Challenges in West Bend, Wisconsin
Session Time: 11:30 am CDT/ 12:30 pm EDT/ 10:30 am MDT/ 9:30 am PDT
Book Challenges in West Bend, Wisconsin
Meet the librarians and community members who are fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis. at this year’s American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago. A special panel sponsored by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF), Intellectual Freedom Committee and Freedom to Read Foundation will feature West Bend Community Library Director Michael Tyree, Young Adult Librarian Kristin Pekoll, library board President Barbara Deters, former library board Member Mary Reilly-Kliss and community organizer Maria Hanrahan.
1. Are YOUR librarians using vacation pay for this opportunity to talk negatively about YOUR community?
2. On WHOSE time was their presentation prepared? On YOUR tax dollar, so they can DIS YOU at the conference?
Libraries, Librarians, and America's War on Sex by Jen HammondOIF Blog1 July 2009
"Come hear how to respond to the “protecting the children” arguments and how to protect everyone’s access to sexuality-related material." IN A CONFERENCE BY THE ABOVE AUTHOR!!! YES, THIS IS THE NEW AND IMPROVED COMMUNITY STANDARD SET BY YOUR LIBRARIANS AND THE ALA!
These are YOUR librarians and YOUR mayoral appointed Library Board PRESIDENT telling ALA conference participants how they shut YOU down.
Yes, indeed.
Book Challenges in West Bend, Wisconsin
Session Time: 11:30 am CDT/ 12:30 pm EDT/ 10:30 am MDT/ 9:30 am PDT
Book Challenges in West Bend, Wisconsin
Meet the librarians and community members who are fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis. at this year’s American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago. A special panel sponsored by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF), Intellectual Freedom Committee and Freedom to Read Foundation will feature West Bend Community Library Director Michael Tyree, Young Adult Librarian Kristin Pekoll, library board President Barbara Deters, former library board Member Mary Reilly-Kliss and community organizer Maria Hanrahan.
1. Are YOUR librarians using vacation pay for this opportunity to talk negatively about YOUR community?
2. On WHOSE time was their presentation prepared? On YOUR tax dollar, so they can DIS YOU at the conference?
Libraries, Librarians, and America's War on Sex by Jen HammondOIF Blog1 July 2009
"Come hear how to respond to the “protecting the children” arguments and how to protect everyone’s access to sexuality-related material." IN A CONFERENCE BY THE ABOVE AUTHOR!!! YES, THIS IS THE NEW AND IMPROVED COMMUNITY STANDARD SET BY YOUR LIBRARIANS AND THE ALA!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
ALA Conference, McCormick Place, Chicago - the uninvited version

Ok, this was as far as I could go, since I wasn't invited, and am not welcome.
Another event:
7:00 pm
ALA/ProQuest Scholarship Bash;
Art Institute of Chicago
(separate ticket required)
ALA hosted a fundraiser at the Art Institute of Chicago that night. Participants were gussied up for the event, nametags on.... Very interesting conversations to be had last night.
Friday, July 10, 2009

The race is on!
Bob Bonenfant versus Fuzz Martin of WBKV AM and FM radio stations!
READY, SET.....GO!!!!!
(Personally, I'd like to see Bob take the dunk! A fireman has offered to pull him through the car wash in a wagon!)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Citizen angry librarians set to "trash talk" West Bend
Just wondering.....are the librarians taking vacation time to attend this conference? Just a thought. No big deal.
Paid to trash talk city
It is time for the citizens of West Bend to address Mayor Kristine Deiss and ask her why she is allowing our paid community representatives, library director Michael Tyree and young adult librarian Kristin Pekoll as well as her appointed Library Board member Barbara Deters, the president nonetheless, to trash-talk West Bend at the American Librarian Associations upcoming conference.
Taxpayers should be outraged that the librarians are putting together power points and such to show the nation how they stomped on our community standards and shut down the community they promise to serve.
We are tired of being told that the American Library Association can tell West Bend what they can do.
We cannot, and will not, stand for this next round of ammunition being shot at our fine city.
We believe the youth in West Bend are worth every step of this fight, and the ALA , our librarians, and our mayor need to uphold the high standards we demand.
Paid to trash talk city
It is time for the citizens of West Bend to address Mayor Kristine Deiss and ask her why she is allowing our paid community representatives, library director Michael Tyree and young adult librarian Kristin Pekoll as well as her appointed Library Board member Barbara Deters, the president nonetheless, to trash-talk West Bend at the American Librarian Associations upcoming conference.
Taxpayers should be outraged that the librarians are putting together power points and such to show the nation how they stomped on our community standards and shut down the community they promise to serve.
We are tired of being told that the American Library Association can tell West Bend what they can do.
We cannot, and will not, stand for this next round of ammunition being shot at our fine city.
We believe the youth in West Bend are worth every step of this fight, and the ALA , our librarians, and our mayor need to uphold the high standards we demand.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mark Belling Transcript on West Bend Open Records Request
I enjoyed listening to the podcast (again) tonight from Mark Belling's show from June 19. I thought it might be more advantageous for some if I typed the transcripts goes!
(Long...but interesting read!)
Mark Belling Show, June 19, Hour 1, Part 2:
"First, I have to give you the background on the story. It's one that we've been touching on every now and then on the show because it shows the level of arrogance that some public officials, primarily liberal, show when the… when the citizenry tries to show a little bit of activism and wants input into their government. It's the West Bend Library Board, and for those of you who haven’t been following, here's the short version. People found out months ago that in the gay books section of the children's section of the library are some very lurid books. I've read the passages from some of them and I've read a portion from them on the air before I had to stop because they were way too filthy for me to run on this radio station without us losing our license. I've undergone the mandatory training that ClearChannel gives on what material is too raunchy to put on the radio plus my own standards about how low were gonna go here, and I couldn’t come close to reading this filth on the air, that's how bad it is. So these people said “we want you to move this to the adult section of the library.” They didn't say burn it, just move it to the adult section. The Library Board up there has consistently refused to do it. They just won't do it. People have passed petitions and so on and so on. In the meantime, in the middle of all of this, some of the people who wanted the books moved filed an open records request to get the emails of all the library board members and the emails they've been sending back and forth on this issue. The Library Board has said ‘we don't want to do it’! Whoa! You're public officials! Emails sent to or from a public official are a public record under the law; black letter law. The city attorney in West Bend said ‘well, yeah, you gotta, you gotta release these. Any email sent to a library board member, any email sent , and you can't talk to yourselves in private about this.’ I mean, this is the law! Well they don't like the fact the city attorney told them this. So last night they held a meeting and they voted seven to nothing to hire a private attorney, because they want another opinion. Someone suggested well why don't you just ask the state attorney general's office since we have….the taxpayers are already paying numerous lawyers whose job it is to advise the local government on what the open records law is...... why don’t we just ask the attorney general. Well no, we don't wanna do that. So they went out and they're hiring a private attorney -- $250 an hour. It gets more unbelievable than that! They are going to pay for it out of the library’s endowment! That’s right! Those of you in West Bend who have donated money to the library over the years, your donated funds that you thought you were donating for the purchase of library materials, is going to be used so these board members can hire a lawyer to try to find somebody who will tell them that they don’t have to follow the law! Do you know what the great irony is here, and this actually is ironic, unlike most things that I claim to be, ….the same library board that says it is standing up for the right for teenagers to see gay porn, is fighting the rights of the citizens to see public records. THINK ABOUT THAT!
They are more concerned about the rights of teenagers to read gay porn than they are about the rights of the public to see public records! You talk about upside down! It shows you that these people these people are nuts!
That… whatever first amendment beliefs they claim that they were standing up for are shot by the fact that they…don’t…Y’know, some of them are saying “we never knew that our emails…” C’mon, you didn’t know your emails were public records? What are you talkin’ about? If they destroyed any of them, they have clearly violated the law. Well, given the fact that they are obviously obsessed with not releasing their emails or any other public records, me, the jerk, but an ethical jerk, got involved in the following way. I sent out two letters and faxed them this morning.
The first one was sent to Kris Diess, who is the mayor of the city of West Bend and is the one who appoints library members and who is at the root of the problem here with her complete lack of leadership and her inability to control board members who are her appointees. I wrote as follows…
Ms. Deiss,
This is a request for records under the Wisconsin Open Records Act and the United States Freedom of Information Act (You may wonder why do I include the US Freedom of Information Act. The library receives federal funds and therefore is required to follow not only Wisconsin’s open records law, they are required to follow the US Freedom of Information Act)
I request ..
a) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from you and any employee of the west bend library or member of the library board from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
b) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from you to any other city official dealing with any library issue from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
c) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from anyone on your staff or yourself from any member of the public dealing with any library issue from June 1st 2008.
I am sure you are aware of the legal requirement to save all emails. The above request covers any email account you have access to. Contact ..and email that….Signed, Mark Belling and I dated it today’s date, June 19th.
Then I cranked out another one. This one is to the chairman of the library board, Barbara Deters, who we hear on the sly is a big-time lefty and a former teacher’s union member. What a surprise that is, Paul! Just shocking that this is a liberal here. Again, dated June 19, 2009.
Ms. Deters,
This is a request for records under the Wisconsin Open Records Act and the US Freedom of Information Act.
I request:
a) Copies of all correspondences, including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you dealing with anything related to content of library materials or placement thereof from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
b) Copies of all correspondences, including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you to any other member of the West Bend library board on any matter directly or indirectly related to the library or the library boad from June 1st to the present date.
c) Copies of all correspondence including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you to any official of the City of West Bend relating to placement or content of library materials from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
I am sure you are aware of court rulings and State Department of Justice opinion requiring all public officials to maintain all emails.
This request covers any email account you have access to.
I formally note that Clearchannel Communications and myself intend to file a civil complaint with the Washington County DAs office if there is any evidence that any of the above material has been destroyed. Signed, Mark Belling
Ha! Ha! Well. They don’t want to release public records? Let’s put them on a public records snipe hunt! Find out exactly what it is that they don’t want the public to see..and if they’ve been deleting emails, if they’ve been getting from one another on this issue, I do intend to tell the Washington County District Attorney’s office and I do intend to pursue civil action against them because that is a blatant violation of the law.These people are trying to hide something here.
There is no reason not to release public records unless there is something in those records you don’t like.
Put it this way. Lets imagine you’re the mayor of Waupaca, Wisconsin, (I don’t know even know if they have a mayor there. They might have a chairman or a village president or whatever) ..suppose you’re the mayor of Waupaca, Wisconsin, and suppose somebody asks you, creates a public records request, for all correspondences that you have had over the construction of a new street in downtown Waupaca. You have 3 correspondences and they are all simply emails to the project works director on “how’s the project going” and nothing damning in there. You’ll respond to that and comply right away. There’s nothing bad.. I got nothing to hide…. You put it out.
When do you refuse to comply? When there’s something to hide, old lady Deters and old lady Deiss! (chuckles)..there’s something out there they don’t want out.
So I’m making a pretty broad request and if they thought it was a pain in the patoot to respond to the open records request of these poor little citizens out there, let them deal with me, a pro at this stuff. If you’re going to go out there and kick in the teeth citizens who are trying to be involved in their government because you’re too pigheaded and arrogant to make a simple solution of moving the books 50 feet to the other section of the library and you’re going to go out and try to deny basic access to public records, government records, the only way we, the citizens can have a check on government… yeah, I’m going to get involved.
Do..Is.. most of my audience care about this, no. But it’s interesting enough that I think that you can actually see how some of these smaller community governments actually operate and, yes, we’re going to make these people run around like chickens with their heads cut off to comply with your request. Or, they’re going to have to fess up and acknowledge that they may have destroyed something."
I like how Mark points out that the board is very willing to spend ENDOWMENT MONEY for advice they can get for free!
Since this show took place, library board president, Barbara Deters, had her chat with Attorney Feind and learned that our city attorney was right after all - no charge. I'll bet a lot of donors are RELIEVED.
(Long...but interesting read!)
Mark Belling Show, June 19, Hour 1, Part 2:
"First, I have to give you the background on the story. It's one that we've been touching on every now and then on the show because it shows the level of arrogance that some public officials, primarily liberal, show when the… when the citizenry tries to show a little bit of activism and wants input into their government. It's the West Bend Library Board, and for those of you who haven’t been following, here's the short version. People found out months ago that in the gay books section of the children's section of the library are some very lurid books. I've read the passages from some of them and I've read a portion from them on the air before I had to stop because they were way too filthy for me to run on this radio station without us losing our license. I've undergone the mandatory training that ClearChannel gives on what material is too raunchy to put on the radio plus my own standards about how low were gonna go here, and I couldn’t come close to reading this filth on the air, that's how bad it is. So these people said “we want you to move this to the adult section of the library.” They didn't say burn it, just move it to the adult section. The Library Board up there has consistently refused to do it. They just won't do it. People have passed petitions and so on and so on. In the meantime, in the middle of all of this, some of the people who wanted the books moved filed an open records request to get the emails of all the library board members and the emails they've been sending back and forth on this issue. The Library Board has said ‘we don't want to do it’! Whoa! You're public officials! Emails sent to or from a public official are a public record under the law; black letter law. The city attorney in West Bend said ‘well, yeah, you gotta, you gotta release these. Any email sent to a library board member, any email sent , and you can't talk to yourselves in private about this.’ I mean, this is the law! Well they don't like the fact the city attorney told them this. So last night they held a meeting and they voted seven to nothing to hire a private attorney, because they want another opinion. Someone suggested well why don't you just ask the state attorney general's office since we have….the taxpayers are already paying numerous lawyers whose job it is to advise the local government on what the open records law is...... why don’t we just ask the attorney general. Well no, we don't wanna do that. So they went out and they're hiring a private attorney -- $250 an hour. It gets more unbelievable than that! They are going to pay for it out of the library’s endowment! That’s right! Those of you in West Bend who have donated money to the library over the years, your donated funds that you thought you were donating for the purchase of library materials, is going to be used so these board members can hire a lawyer to try to find somebody who will tell them that they don’t have to follow the law! Do you know what the great irony is here, and this actually is ironic, unlike most things that I claim to be, ….the same library board that says it is standing up for the right for teenagers to see gay porn, is fighting the rights of the citizens to see public records. THINK ABOUT THAT!
They are more concerned about the rights of teenagers to read gay porn than they are about the rights of the public to see public records! You talk about upside down! It shows you that these people these people are nuts!
That… whatever first amendment beliefs they claim that they were standing up for are shot by the fact that they…don’t…Y’know, some of them are saying “we never knew that our emails…” C’mon, you didn’t know your emails were public records? What are you talkin’ about? If they destroyed any of them, they have clearly violated the law. Well, given the fact that they are obviously obsessed with not releasing their emails or any other public records, me, the jerk, but an ethical jerk, got involved in the following way. I sent out two letters and faxed them this morning.
The first one was sent to Kris Diess, who is the mayor of the city of West Bend and is the one who appoints library members and who is at the root of the problem here with her complete lack of leadership and her inability to control board members who are her appointees. I wrote as follows…
Ms. Deiss,
This is a request for records under the Wisconsin Open Records Act and the United States Freedom of Information Act (You may wonder why do I include the US Freedom of Information Act. The library receives federal funds and therefore is required to follow not only Wisconsin’s open records law, they are required to follow the US Freedom of Information Act)
I request ..
a) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from you and any employee of the west bend library or member of the library board from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
b) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from you to any other city official dealing with any library issue from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
c) copies of all correspondence, including faxes or emails, to or from anyone on your staff or yourself from any member of the public dealing with any library issue from June 1st 2008.
I am sure you are aware of the legal requirement to save all emails. The above request covers any email account you have access to. Contact ..and email that….Signed, Mark Belling and I dated it today’s date, June 19th.
Then I cranked out another one. This one is to the chairman of the library board, Barbara Deters, who we hear on the sly is a big-time lefty and a former teacher’s union member. What a surprise that is, Paul! Just shocking that this is a liberal here. Again, dated June 19, 2009.
Ms. Deters,
This is a request for records under the Wisconsin Open Records Act and the US Freedom of Information Act.
I request:
a) Copies of all correspondences, including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you dealing with anything related to content of library materials or placement thereof from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
b) Copies of all correspondences, including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you to any other member of the West Bend library board on any matter directly or indirectly related to the library or the library boad from June 1st to the present date.
c) Copies of all correspondence including, but not limited to, faxes and email to or from you to any official of the City of West Bend relating to placement or content of library materials from June 1st 2008 to the present date.
I am sure you are aware of court rulings and State Department of Justice opinion requiring all public officials to maintain all emails.
This request covers any email account you have access to.
I formally note that Clearchannel Communications and myself intend to file a civil complaint with the Washington County DAs office if there is any evidence that any of the above material has been destroyed. Signed, Mark Belling
Ha! Ha! Well. They don’t want to release public records? Let’s put them on a public records snipe hunt! Find out exactly what it is that they don’t want the public to see..and if they’ve been deleting emails, if they’ve been getting from one another on this issue, I do intend to tell the Washington County District Attorney’s office and I do intend to pursue civil action against them because that is a blatant violation of the law.These people are trying to hide something here.
There is no reason not to release public records unless there is something in those records you don’t like.
Put it this way. Lets imagine you’re the mayor of Waupaca, Wisconsin, (I don’t know even know if they have a mayor there. They might have a chairman or a village president or whatever) ..suppose you’re the mayor of Waupaca, Wisconsin, and suppose somebody asks you, creates a public records request, for all correspondences that you have had over the construction of a new street in downtown Waupaca. You have 3 correspondences and they are all simply emails to the project works director on “how’s the project going” and nothing damning in there. You’ll respond to that and comply right away. There’s nothing bad.. I got nothing to hide…. You put it out.
When do you refuse to comply? When there’s something to hide, old lady Deters and old lady Deiss! (chuckles)..there’s something out there they don’t want out.
So I’m making a pretty broad request and if they thought it was a pain in the patoot to respond to the open records request of these poor little citizens out there, let them deal with me, a pro at this stuff. If you’re going to go out there and kick in the teeth citizens who are trying to be involved in their government because you’re too pigheaded and arrogant to make a simple solution of moving the books 50 feet to the other section of the library and you’re going to go out and try to deny basic access to public records, government records, the only way we, the citizens can have a check on government… yeah, I’m going to get involved.
Do..Is.. most of my audience care about this, no. But it’s interesting enough that I think that you can actually see how some of these smaller community governments actually operate and, yes, we’re going to make these people run around like chickens with their heads cut off to comply with your request. Or, they’re going to have to fess up and acknowledge that they may have destroyed something."
I like how Mark points out that the board is very willing to spend ENDOWMENT MONEY for advice they can get for free!
Since this show took place, library board president, Barbara Deters, had her chat with Attorney Feind and learned that our city attorney was right after all - no charge. I'll bet a lot of donors are RELIEVED.
Homeless Shelter efforts initiated in West Bend
Good info in this article in today's West Bend News. They are putting additional meeting times on the agenda to accommodate more churches and to encourage area citizens to get involved. This is a great idea...
"For those who can’t attend mornings, Family Promise of Washington County has added a 7 p.m. meeting Thursday, July 9 to learn about the homeless shelter scheduled to open Nov. 1
Marilyn Gundrum, store coordinator of St. Vincent De Paul in Washington County, will give a presentation at the evening meeting at Casa Guadalupe Education Center, 479 N. Main St., West Bend.
“It will be an opportunity to hear what we are doing and how to get involved,” she said.
The previously scheduled 7:30 a.m. Thursday meeting will be at Trinity Lutheran Church, 140 N. 7th Ave., West Bend. The four core committees will continue their process and a presentation will be made for first-time attendees in a separate room at the morning session.
The start-up organization is in the recruitment process.
The local, faith-based group is also looking into a possible second day center in addition to the space offered by Cedar Springs Church in the town of Polk.
“It’s always healthy to have a backup plan,” Gundrum said.
“Certainly Cedar Springs is very generous in what they’re offering,” she said, “but we might need more than one.”
A volunteer training session will be held beginning at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 15 at Trinity. Consecutively scheduled break-out sessions will follow at 8:30 a.m. for the four committees – host churches, day center, fund raising and recruiting, and transportation. "
"For those who can’t attend mornings, Family Promise of Washington County has added a 7 p.m. meeting Thursday, July 9 to learn about the homeless shelter scheduled to open Nov. 1
Marilyn Gundrum, store coordinator of St. Vincent De Paul in Washington County, will give a presentation at the evening meeting at Casa Guadalupe Education Center, 479 N. Main St., West Bend.
“It will be an opportunity to hear what we are doing and how to get involved,” she said.
The previously scheduled 7:30 a.m. Thursday meeting will be at Trinity Lutheran Church, 140 N. 7th Ave., West Bend. The four core committees will continue their process and a presentation will be made for first-time attendees in a separate room at the morning session.
The start-up organization is in the recruitment process.
The local, faith-based group is also looking into a possible second day center in addition to the space offered by Cedar Springs Church in the town of Polk.
“It’s always healthy to have a backup plan,” Gundrum said.
“Certainly Cedar Springs is very generous in what they’re offering,” she said, “but we might need more than one.”
A volunteer training session will be held beginning at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 15 at Trinity. Consecutively scheduled break-out sessions will follow at 8:30 a.m. for the four committees – host churches, day center, fund raising and recruiting, and transportation. "
ALA rejects West Bend Community's conference request
I noted on the OIF blog that Deborah Caldwell-Stone had invited West Bend Community Memorial Library supporters to speak at the ALA conference in July.
Since I, too, am a supporter of the West Bend Library and advocate for a large group of parents in West Bend, I asked if she would consider me as well on her panel of speakers from West Bend.
I explained that West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries, like the librarians in West Bend, also want to keep library materials on the shelves, and have confirmed this time and again.
WBCFSL feels that we have much in common with our librarians and West Bend Parents for Free Speech in this respect and would like to be allowed the same opportunities as those who are also leading our community, or providing advocacy in this manner.
This is her response to my request:
I apologize for the delay in responding to your email. It was directed to my spam folder, and I did not discover it until yesterday.
ALA's Annual Conference is intended to provide professional development and educational opportunities for librarians, library trustees, library paraprofessionals, and "Friends of the Library" groups. The panel is not a debate on the merits of West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries' challenge, or an opportunity for advocacy, but instead a discussion about policy development and management of challenges for the benefit of those four constituencies. We have invited panelists we believe will offer insights and advice on the topic that is consistent with the First Amendment and established ALA policies, such as the Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics.
Thank you for your interest in this program. Though the discussion you propose is outside the program's scope, I am sure there will be future opportunities for such a debate.
Deborah Caldwell-Stone
Acting Director
Office for Intellectual Freedom
American Library Association
50 East Huron, Chicago, IL 60611
Do you see where it says, "the controversy arose in February 2009 when a West Bend couple filed a request to reconsider books"? That's me, I'm part of that "West Bend couple." The ALA is talking about me. One would think the ALA would enjoy having me say something at the conference. I offered, but as you can see, my offer was not accepted.
Instead, the ALA has invited the person that arose to oppose protecting children from inappropriate material, but not me. What exactly is the point of the panel? So people will hear the "censorship" message from only the ALA's point of view? Even if they had me there as the person ALA tribes love to hate, at least that would be more open minded than just cutting out the "West Bend couple" that started it all. Is there nothing we could contribute to "a discussion about policy development and management of challenges"?
I do admit efforts to keep children from inappropriate material are not "consistent with ... established ALA policies, such as the Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics."
52.5.2 Sex Education Materials in Libraries
ALA affirms the right of youth to comprehensive, sex-related education, materials, programs, and referral services of the highest quality; affirms the active role of librarians in providing such; and urges librarians and library educators to reexamine existing policies and practices and assume a leadership role in seeing that information is available for children and adolescents, parents, and youth-serving professionals.
Sex-related materials! Active role! Leadership role! Of librarians! Available for children! Again, I admit efforts to keep children from inappropriate material are inconsistent with ALA policy. Apparently, that is why I have not been invited.
While Ms. Caldwell-Stone states that this panel will not be used as an "opportunity for advocacy," there can be no doubt that the City of West Bend will take a huge hit by the likes of Maria Hanrahan, who clearly opposes the community standards of West Bend, and will be presenting her story due to the generous offer from the ALA, an offer not extended to me.
Naturally, we can only assume that West Bend will be used/abused on a national forefront by the ALA as our very own Michael Tyree, WBCML director, Kristin Pekoll, YA librarian, Mary Reilly-Kliss (former board member) and library board president, Barbara Deters, proudly proclaim their pyrhhic victory over the community they live in, represent, and for some, are paid by.
Since I, too, am a supporter of the West Bend Library and advocate for a large group of parents in West Bend, I asked if she would consider me as well on her panel of speakers from West Bend.
I explained that West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries, like the librarians in West Bend, also want to keep library materials on the shelves, and have confirmed this time and again.
WBCFSL feels that we have much in common with our librarians and West Bend Parents for Free Speech in this respect and would like to be allowed the same opportunities as those who are also leading our community, or providing advocacy in this manner.
This is her response to my request:
I apologize for the delay in responding to your email. It was directed to my spam folder, and I did not discover it until yesterday.
ALA's Annual Conference is intended to provide professional development and educational opportunities for librarians, library trustees, library paraprofessionals, and "Friends of the Library" groups. The panel is not a debate on the merits of West Bend Citizens for Safe Libraries' challenge, or an opportunity for advocacy, but instead a discussion about policy development and management of challenges for the benefit of those four constituencies. We have invited panelists we believe will offer insights and advice on the topic that is consistent with the First Amendment and established ALA policies, such as the Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics.
Thank you for your interest in this program. Though the discussion you propose is outside the program's scope, I am sure there will be future opportunities for such a debate.
Deborah Caldwell-Stone
Acting Director
Office for Intellectual Freedom
American Library Association
50 East Huron, Chicago, IL 60611
Do you see where it says, "the controversy arose in February 2009 when a West Bend couple filed a request to reconsider books"? That's me, I'm part of that "West Bend couple." The ALA is talking about me. One would think the ALA would enjoy having me say something at the conference. I offered, but as you can see, my offer was not accepted.
Instead, the ALA has invited the person that arose to oppose protecting children from inappropriate material, but not me. What exactly is the point of the panel? So people will hear the "censorship" message from only the ALA's point of view? Even if they had me there as the person ALA tribes love to hate, at least that would be more open minded than just cutting out the "West Bend couple" that started it all. Is there nothing we could contribute to "a discussion about policy development and management of challenges"?
I do admit efforts to keep children from inappropriate material are not "consistent with ... established ALA policies, such as the Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics."
52.5.2 Sex Education Materials in Libraries
ALA affirms the right of youth to comprehensive, sex-related education, materials, programs, and referral services of the highest quality; affirms the active role of librarians in providing such; and urges librarians and library educators to reexamine existing policies and practices and assume a leadership role in seeing that information is available for children and adolescents, parents, and youth-serving professionals.
Sex-related materials! Active role! Leadership role! Of librarians! Available for children! Again, I admit efforts to keep children from inappropriate material are inconsistent with ALA policy. Apparently, that is why I have not been invited.
While Ms. Caldwell-Stone states that this panel will not be used as an "opportunity for advocacy," there can be no doubt that the City of West Bend will take a huge hit by the likes of Maria Hanrahan, who clearly opposes the community standards of West Bend, and will be presenting her story due to the generous offer from the ALA, an offer not extended to me.
Naturally, we can only assume that West Bend will be used/abused on a national forefront by the ALA as our very own Michael Tyree, WBCML director, Kristin Pekoll, YA librarian, Mary Reilly-Kliss (former board member) and library board president, Barbara Deters, proudly proclaim their pyrhhic victory over the community they live in, represent, and for some, are paid by.
Monday, July 6, 2009
5 Wisconsin Counties donated to Planned Parenthood ORR reveals
Dane, Fond du lac, Manitowoc, Outagamie and Sheboygan counties in Wisconsin were all revealed to have donated funds to Planned Parenthood via Open Records request done by Pro-Life Wisconsin.
Amounts are as follows:
DANE: $50,660.04
FOND DU LAC: $1,052.50
MANITOWOC: $13,589
OUTAGAMIE: $10,872.59
SHEBOYGAN: $11,903.51
Here are the CONTACT NUMBERS of the counties funding Planned Parenthood:
Dane County, (608) 266-4114; Fond du Lac County, (920) 929-3155; Manitowoc County, (920) 683-5107; Outagamie County, (920) 832-1522; and Sheboygan County, (920) 459-6400.
Amounts are as follows:
DANE: $50,660.04
FOND DU LAC: $1,052.50
MANITOWOC: $13,589
OUTAGAMIE: $10,872.59
SHEBOYGAN: $11,903.51
Here are the CONTACT NUMBERS of the counties funding Planned Parenthood:
Dane County, (608) 266-4114; Fond du Lac County, (920) 929-3155; Manitowoc County, (920) 683-5107; Outagamie County, (920) 832-1522; and Sheboygan County, (920) 459-6400.
Safe Libraries promoted in West Bend parade

We had a group of 40+ people working with us this week on a float that sent the word out to parents and taxpayers in West Bend that the library they pay for does not care what they think, the taxes that pay our librarians salaries are used to help them deceive the public and misrepresent West Bend, and the place they always thought was "safe" for their families, ISN'T. The warnings and "heads up" went out on 1,000 bookmarks (see picture) that were given to parade attendees. In fact, we ran out and will have to do triple duty on that order for the next event!
As we began our trek down Main Street, we received a standing ovation! All along the route, people were standing up and applauding, shouting "thank you" and/or giving us a thumbs up!
We heard only one person shout out "censorship!" Two people refused to take a bookmark.
As we rolled down the street, the PREAMBLE to the U.S. Constitution played for all to hear, willingly spoken quite eloquently by a group of area children. They did a great job! Thanks, kids!
I'll have more pictures later. I have one of some real cuties dressed up in sandwich boards to look like their favorite books!
We had a washing machine on board that had signs on each side that said "KEEP OUR LIBRARY CLEAN!"
We think the message was clear, and West Bend agreed.
Friday, July 3, 2009
CA teachers banned from praying by ACLU
This is just ridiculous.
Liberty Counsel filed a motion to intervene on behalf of Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) in a lawsuit filed earlier this year by the ACLU against the Santa Rosa County School District. The ACLU filed suit, claiming some of the teachers and administration endorsed religion.
The School District attempted to settle the suit by joining with the ACLU and presenting the court with a Consent Order, which essentially bans all employees from engaging in prayer or religious activities, whether before, during, or after school hours.
Before school? After school? Now the ACLU is the prayer police? A teacher cannot pray before his/her lunch?
Liberty Counsel filed a motion to intervene on behalf of Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) in a lawsuit filed earlier this year by the ACLU against the Santa Rosa County School District. The ACLU filed suit, claiming some of the teachers and administration endorsed religion.
The School District attempted to settle the suit by joining with the ACLU and presenting the court with a Consent Order, which essentially bans all employees from engaging in prayer or religious activities, whether before, during, or after school hours.
Before school? After school? Now the ACLU is the prayer police? A teacher cannot pray before his/her lunch?
West Bend Librarians/ Board Members reach for celebrity status among peers
Here's the latest gossip.
Publication:APD - West Bend Daily News;
Date:Jul 3, 2009;
The fight over which books should be allowed in the young adult category of the West Bend library will be the subject of a panel discussion during the nation’s largest gathering of librarians this month in Chicago.
West Bend Community Memorial Library Director Michael Tyree, Young Adult Librarian Kristin Pekoll, Library Board Chairman Barbara Deters, former library Board trustee Mary Reilly-Kliss and community organizer Maria Hanrahan, who started West Bend Parents for Free Speech, will conduct a panel discussion about the West Bend book controversy Monday, July 13, during the seven-day American Library Association (ALA) annual conference.
So, West Bend, how do you feel about the librarians that you pay to represent you appearing as "special guests" to speak about how they shut you down? Use West Bend as their example of how others can follow suit and bow to the ALA's policies instead of community standards? Reduce a community to nothing more than a "yes man" to the ALA? Not only do your tax dollars pay the salaries of these librarians, they pay for them to work against your values as a community. Apparently, they are proud of it, too.
No city money is being used to pay for the locals to participate in the ALA conference, Tyree said. Their expenses are being covered by the organization. “It’s a two-hour discussion,” Tyree said, “We’re a new addition to the ALA schedule.” “I’m definitely excited to participate,” said Pekoll, a seven-year veteran of the West Bend library. “I’ve never had an opportunity to go to ALA before.”
I was hoping to receive a thank you note from Pekoll for helping her along to her first ALA conference. It's the very least she could do since she would not have achieved this attention had WBCFSL not brought it to the attention of the community.
The panel discussion is sponsored by the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF), Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Freedom to Read Foundation.
Yes, we know them well. They are the organization that came in and trumped parent/taxpayer wishes. For some reason, the ALA/OIF seems to think they know West Bend better than it's citizens do. We shouldn't be surprised, I guess, since this is their common practice.
“Meet the librarians and community members who are fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis.,” is how the June 30 ALA news release announcing the panel discussion describes the event.
As opposed to WBCFSL, who is fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis. Since we agree, we think we should be able to attend, as well! We can explain why our only difference is that we would like the books appropriately placed according to community standards, and that parents really DO care what how their library represents them, and expects them to follow through, as well.
Pekoll said the library is putting together a PowerPoint presentation that includes some graphics, pictures of the library and city and clips from the June 2 Library Board meeting that included more than two hours of public comment about the YA books.
Wow. I hope that isn't being done on taxpayer time. We will be asking that this same PowerPoint presentation be made available to the citizens of West Bend. After all, we want to know how we are being represented to the nation!
Publication:APD - West Bend Daily News;
Date:Jul 3, 2009;
The fight over which books should be allowed in the young adult category of the West Bend library will be the subject of a panel discussion during the nation’s largest gathering of librarians this month in Chicago.
West Bend Community Memorial Library Director Michael Tyree, Young Adult Librarian Kristin Pekoll, Library Board Chairman Barbara Deters, former library Board trustee Mary Reilly-Kliss and community organizer Maria Hanrahan, who started West Bend Parents for Free Speech, will conduct a panel discussion about the West Bend book controversy Monday, July 13, during the seven-day American Library Association (ALA) annual conference.
So, West Bend, how do you feel about the librarians that you pay to represent you appearing as "special guests" to speak about how they shut you down? Use West Bend as their example of how others can follow suit and bow to the ALA's policies instead of community standards? Reduce a community to nothing more than a "yes man" to the ALA? Not only do your tax dollars pay the salaries of these librarians, they pay for them to work against your values as a community. Apparently, they are proud of it, too.
No city money is being used to pay for the locals to participate in the ALA conference, Tyree said. Their expenses are being covered by the organization. “It’s a two-hour discussion,” Tyree said, “We’re a new addition to the ALA schedule.” “I’m definitely excited to participate,” said Pekoll, a seven-year veteran of the West Bend library. “I’ve never had an opportunity to go to ALA before.”
I was hoping to receive a thank you note from Pekoll for helping her along to her first ALA conference. It's the very least she could do since she would not have achieved this attention had WBCFSL not brought it to the attention of the community.
The panel discussion is sponsored by the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF), Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Freedom to Read Foundation.
Yes, we know them well. They are the organization that came in and trumped parent/taxpayer wishes. For some reason, the ALA/OIF seems to think they know West Bend better than it's citizens do. We shouldn't be surprised, I guess, since this is their common practice.
“Meet the librarians and community members who are fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis.,” is how the June 30 ALA news release announcing the panel discussion describes the event.
As opposed to WBCFSL, who is fighting to keep library materials on the shelves in West Bend, Wis. Since we agree, we think we should be able to attend, as well! We can explain why our only difference is that we would like the books appropriately placed according to community standards, and that parents really DO care what how their library represents them, and expects them to follow through, as well.
Pekoll said the library is putting together a PowerPoint presentation that includes some graphics, pictures of the library and city and clips from the June 2 Library Board meeting that included more than two hours of public comment about the YA books.
Wow. I hope that isn't being done on taxpayer time. We will be asking that this same PowerPoint presentation be made available to the citizens of West Bend. After all, we want to know how we are being represented to the nation!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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