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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

West Bend Referendum still tops $90K mark

The School Board, in a work session on Monday, took no formal action but agreed in principle to a two-question referendum.

Question one builds a new, 650-capacity Jackson Elementary School at a new site, puts a two-story expansion onto Silverbrook Middle School to allow for 900 students, puts an expansion on Decorah Elementary to handle 650 and puts secure entrances at all 10 schools. The cost is about $41 million.

Question two remodels Badger Middle School with a two-story portion to hold 900 students for $27.4 million.

The district’s financial advisor is calculating the interest on each question. (Estimated at work session to be approximately 26.5K'ish).


So let's take a look here -

After coercive video tactics, biased newspaper articles (i.e. 15 Minutes with Warren Schmidt, WB News/Aug. 7; public patting of selves on backs - watch School Board session of 08/11, this went on heartily at the end of the work session, as well; the faulty referendum survey that provided inconclusive results and wasted taxpayer money, public slander of citizens who questioned any of the above, I guess one can only conclude that the West Bend community will be too "ashamed and intimidated" to vote for anything less than "all of the above" on the referendum.


Mpeterson said...

Again, how much *should* we spend? None? A little. Is there a right amount, or are suggesting that we should never spend any money on education at all?

If this is too much, what do you think is 'enough'?

One of your other correspondents said something about the coercion... but that doesn't answer the real question: how much should we spend. Surely, after all your criticism, you must have a number in mind? What is it?


West Bend Citizen Advocate said...

Well, Mark, you are indicating that I can be "bought" and this is simply just not the case.

The number that I have in my mind is "0". Yes, I think that would be what I would choose, "0".

0 intentional omission of information
0 intimidation of the public
0 criticism and public slander of taxpayers
0 advocacy and coercion for upcoming referendum
0 lack of cooperation in retreiving Open Records requests
0 attempts to guilt and shame the public
0 expenditure for useless information (i.e., referendum survey)
0 expenditure for a promotional video that advocates a cause (illegal, by the way)
0 changes of the Board meeting agenda "hours" before the actual meeting takes place
0 lack of School Board meeting minutes posted in a timely manner to keep people up to speed
