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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Freedom From Religion Gets the BOOT in AZ
A federal judge in Arizona ruled Monday that the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) does not have the legal standing necessary to stop Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer from declaring days of prayer for the state....FFRF, which is based in Wisconsin, filed its lawsuit last year. In dismissing it, Judge Roslyn Silver wrote that “encouraging” prayer isn’t injurious to anyone.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Nativity Set is UP at the Capitol Rotunda

Wisconsin Family Council has donated a beautiful Nativity set that is now present in the State Capitol rotunda, despite the objections from Freedom from Religion Foundation. Thanks to Julaine Appling for her persistence in pursuing this beautiful depiction of our Christian heritage and REAL reason for Christmas celebration!
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Not-So-United Way, PLANNED PARENTHOOD = Direct Giving is Always Best
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Walker Administration Holding Hoodlums Accountable for Mess
The Scott Walker Administration says it will tighten access to the Capitol starting December 16th, requiring permits and payment from protesters.
Holding the Recall Fraud at Bay...Tea Partiers, Conservatives Lend a Hand
Tea Party leaders in Wisconsin are happy with what they are calling an overwhelming response to their efforts to verify the signatures on the Governor Scott Walker Recall petitions....In one day, more than 1,000 volunteers from across Wisconsin and the nation have already signed up to help two Tea Party groups verify the petitions in the upcoming gubernatorial recall.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Freedom From Religion Disses Christmas at the Capitol

Christmas Tree Lighting This Weekend at State Capitol
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at your State Capitol as folks busily decorate the grounds in anticipation of all of the visitors that will be coming over the next several weeks! Remember Bing Crosby? -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcZAwoip5aY
The Capitol Christmas Tree will be lit during two performances of the Kiwanis Club Christmas Pageant at 4:15 and 5:15 p.m. this Sunday, December 4th. http://www.doa.state.wi.us/events_detail.asp?eventid=1147&locid=4
Video about this year's tree that comes to us from the Brule River State Forest:
Come early as Tours of the Capitol run from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday.
P.S. How nice it would be if a Church, civic organization, business or family stepped forward and sponsored a Capitol Nativity like they have in other states.
Article about Wisconsin's Christmas Tree:
Monday, November 28, 2011
Lakeland Union School District gives OK to Recallers
"Berg, Jonathan" <cjlight@charter.net>,
"Gabert, Tom" <gabert.tom@gmail.com>,
"Handrick, Joe" <jhandrick@reinhartlaw.com>,
"Kleinhans, Todd" <kleinhans@luhs.k12.wi.us>,
"Nimsgern, Shari" <s_nimsgern@yahoo.com>,
"Peck, Barb" <sunriseresort@centurytel.net>,
"Schaub, Ed Jr." <ejschaub@hotmail.com>,
"Smith, Gary" <garyds@frontier.com>
Lakeland Times
500 Chippewa St.
Minocqua, WI 54548
Ray Rivard rrivard@lakelandtimes.com
Richard Moore mmoore@lakelandtimes.com
or Editor: editor@lakelandtimes.com
No limit
News Of The North
Star Journal
24 W. Rives
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Craig Mandli
350 words
North River News (formerly Rhinelander Daily News)
314 S. Courtney St.
P.O. Box 778
Rhinelander, WI 54501
250 words
Bill to Require Notarization on Recall Petitions Introduced
WITI-TV, GREENFIELD—Democrats say enthusiasm remains high in the effort to collect 540,000 valid signatures to force a recall election against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Republicanssay they've been alerted to multiple instances of misconduct and fraud, and one Republican senator says he will reintroduce a bill requiring recall petitions to be notarized.
State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) says requiring notarization is an extra step in reducing fraud and misconduct in the signature-gathering process. Republicans are also downplaying the recall efforts. "There have been a lot of numbers thrown around by Democratic activists who are pushing for this recall. We view these numbers as dubious because there have been multiple instances of recall fraud," Ben Sparks, Communications Director with the Republican Party of Wisconsin said.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
West Bend SENDIK'S: The Party and The Secret
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Ousted Library Board President, Barb Deters, Stumbles Through Weak Presentation
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Conservatives Response to the RECALL Drive
As I’m sure you are aware, the attempt by liberals to recall Governor Walker begins tomorrow. It is an utterly misguided effort. Read my column tomorrow for some more thoughts on that. But as a conservative guy in Wisconsin who supports Scott Walker and the direction he is leading this state, here’s what I plan to do and suggest y’all might consider doing it too.
1) Record and report.
A recall drive is a public activity and participants are generally working in a public setting. I will take pictures, record conversations, take videos, and publicize it all. I hope that the folks are on their best behavior, because a lot of us will be watching. In fact, the Republican Party has set up a website to collect all of these reports. You can find it at Recall Integrity Center.
2) Power of the purse.
Just like the recall employees/volunteers, everyone who signs a recall petition is signing a public document. I’ll be looking at those names and making them public - especially for people in my neck of the woods. If you sign the petition and happen to own or run a local business, you can expect me to publicize that fact and decline to spend any more of my hard earned dollars with your establishment. After all, if you get your way I will need those dollars to pay my taxes.
3) Explain yourself.
As a close follower of the issues, I am well-equipped to debate the recall effort, the motivations, and the consequences. If you come to my door or approach me in public, you can expect a lengthy debate. I don’t really care if I convince you the error of your ways, but the longer you are talking to me, the less time you are spending collecting signatures. If you get frustrated and storm off in a huff, I’ll enjoy posting the video/audio. Heck, even if you don’t, it will be fun to highlight your lame arguments.
4) Show ID.
Every recall petition must be signed by the person circulating it. As such, anyone signing it has a responsibility to verify the identity of the circulator to make sure it’s on the up and up. If you ask me to sign it, I will ask for ID, record your information, and use that information as I see fit. If you are from out of state, you can expect to see your name in lights. If you refuse to show me an ID, I’ll be forced to take a picture and ask my readers if they know who you are. I will also ask if you are being compensated and, if so, by whom.
5) Send the cash.
During this period, there are no campaign finance limits on donating to Governor Walker. If you support Scott Walker. If you oppose returning to the days of Doyle and Democrat rule. If you support representative government where politicians serve the terms for which they were elected. Send a check. Do it now. Before you forget. If you have a lot of money, send a big check. If you don’t, then send a little one. It all adds up and there’s no better way to show that you support Scott Walker’s Wisconsin than by sending a check and casting your vote.
I will not physically threaten or curse anyone collecting signatures. Nor will I do so to anyone who signs the petitions. I will be polite, friendly, and engaged. But I will make every personal effort to ensure that the entire process is legal, lengthy, and unpleasant for all concerned.
Just one man’s response…
Monday, November 7, 2011
"Occupy" Spreads Hate and Violence Across Nation

Ever so slowly, the "Occupy" hippies are taking their hate to the streets across the nation, employing violent behavior as their weapon of choice. This disturbing group does not represent the people of our great country, and will fizzle out once they realize that the average American will not "tolerate" their unruly, filthy, and immature methods of tantrumming.
Friday, November 4, 2011
W-C3 Group Tells ALL RE: County Budget
From W-C3:
Washington County Board held a rare evening meeting to approved County's $118 million budget. When Supervisor Mark McCune tried to introduce his $1,000,000 budget cut amendment, County Board Chairman Herbert Tennies found McCune out of order refusing to let him speak.The Chairman then refused to allow an amendment citing HIS authority to make up rules. A motion was made to allow the Board to vote on the Chairman's decision. Supervisor William Meyers, Richfield said, "The U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section VIII established the rule of law over the rule of any man. You don't get to just make up the rules, Mr. Chairman." To which the Chairman responded, "Yes, I do!" 19 of the 30 Supervisors agreed and voted in favor of the Chairman, making Washington County the first Hugo Chavez-style republic in Wisconsin. With this vote, the narrative of a functioning democracy is no longer allowed. Under Tennies, Washington County now will only allow dissent so long as those dissenters agree with the Chairman. Supervisor Mike Bassill, West Bend said, "This action sets a dangerous precedent for the future." One Supervisor, who asked to remain unnamed, stated, "Meyers is the real problem here. You need to go along to get along. He won't do that!" Video of the meeting is available by contacting Mike Ryan, West Bend Community Television Coordinator, (262)335-5157, wbcctv@ci.west-bend.wi.us. Additional information is available by contacting W-C3 at http://www.w-c3.org/contact.php or by calling 262.628.2940.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Occupy = Mortify: Madison Stinks...Literally
As we watch the antics of the Occupy groups, the pattern is clear; these are the "slobs" of the nation. They set no precedent for integrity. The attention they draw to themselves is not one of a political nature; it is one that breeds disgust, disrespect for others, and overall sleeziness that only attracts others like themselves. If they had a cause, it's been lost on the distraction of their overall disturbing behavior. Good luck with that.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Occupy Group - Racists ----Steven Crowder
Thursday, October 27, 2011
UNHealthy Youth Act gets the BOOT
Washington County Budget Proposal On Line
Washington County Supervisor Mark McCune, Erin, a long time advocate of smaller government, has requested a levy reduction for 2012 of $1,000,000. McCune said, "I have gone on record several times outlining my belief that Government needs to shrink going forward, and I believe the County should start this next year with my proposed reductions."
A spokesperson for W-C3, Washington County Conservative Citizens, when asked for a comment on the proposed cuts, said he had not seen the specifics but "for 2011 Washington County has a $2.85 per thousand tax rate compared to Waukesha County is at $1.97 and Ozaukee County is at $1.74. $2,000,000 would be better."
For copies of Supervisor Mark McCune's budget proposal or additional comments or questions, the Supervisor may be contacted directly atwashsupervisor@nconnect.net or W-C3 at bill.meyers@w-c3.org or 262.628.2940.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Walker: Reforms & Results
This has been a year of historic change in Wisconsin. Facing a $3.6 Billion deficit, Governor Scott Walker and state lawmakers got to work making the hard decisions to get the state's finances back on track. Their reforms gave local governments and school districts the tools they so badly needed to balance their own budgets without raising taxes.
Change is hard. As one school board member and small business owner recently told us, "It's not easy doing what you think is right."
The good news is, the reforms are working.
Friday, October 14, 2011
New EMBRYONIC Billboard in Green Bay

This is sweet. Kudos to PLW!
Pro-Life Wisconsin is excited to announce the launch of a multi-media effort, spreading the personhood message across Wisconsin. The personhood movement has tremendous grassroots support in Wisconsin and throughout the country, and we are excited to be able to spread that message even further.
A billboard located on Highway 41, south of Green Bay, features people at different stages of development, along with the tagline, “You, Me, Everybody… We’re all just grown-up embryos.” The billboard directs viewers to PersonhoodWisconsin.com, a website launched to promote the personhood movement here in Wisconsin.
To view the billboard, click here. The billboard will move to a different Green Bay location every thPLWree months.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Baby Killing Suspended Indefinitely in Rockford
As breaking news shows, things aren't so safe and legal at the abortion mill in Rockford, Illinois. According to the suspension notice released by the Illinois Department of Public Health on September 30, 2011, “the department had found conditions at the facility that are a direct threat to the public interest, health, safety and welfare requiring immediate, emergency action.”
For folks that might not be aware, this stateline abortuary operates out of a multi-story abandoned old brick school. Tens of thousands of innocent children (including many Wisconsinites) have lost their lives at this facility.
MANY Wisconsin teenagers travel over the Wisconsin-Illinois border to have abortions to avoid Wisconsin's parental consent laws. In fact, the abortion mill referenced below has ads in the Yellow Pages of at least one stateline phonebook that highlights: * No Parental Consent, * No 24-Hour Waiting PeriodROCKFORD — The Illinois Department of Public Health has suspended the operating license for the Rockford abortion clinic.
The reasons for the suspension are outlined in a three-page notice, dated Sept. 29 and signed by Damon T. Arnold, the director of the state department.
According to the notice, the department “found conditions at (the Northern Illinois Women’s Center) that are directly threatening to the public interest, health, safety and welfare requiring immediate, emergency action.”
Friday, September 30, 2011
Rihanna told to "put it back on" by farmer
Alan Graham, 61, pulled up in his tractor and told the sexy singer to cover up and later claimed: "Her behaviour was inappropriate."
Rihanna was recording a video for We Found Love with Scottish DJ Calvin Harris in a muddy barley field near Bangor, Co Down - ahead of three sell-out shows at Belfast's Odyssey Arena this weekend.
The filming was taking place close to a busy dual carriageway when she stripped to a bikini after removing a long checked dress. But the sight became too much for Mr Graham's Christian beliefs and he politely asked the filming to stop.
The father of four, a member the Democratic Unionist Party on North Down Borough council, said today: "She understood where I was coming from. We shook hands and parted company on good terms."
Monday, September 26, 2011
Your vote COUNTS - TONIGHT - Tax Levy Increase? Just say NO.
The community will be asked to approve the highest allowable levy at the 92nd annual meeting of the electors Monday.
West Bend School District voters will be asked to authorize the School Board to levy $37.4 million.
The tax levy proposed is $458,566 less than last year, according to Superintendent Ted Neitzke.
The mill rate will depend upon property values, which won’t be known until the middle or end of next month.
If property values stay the same, the mill rate will not increase. However, if property values drop, the district is anticipating an increase of about 7 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.
“At the end of the day, we are asking everybody for less money than we did last year,” said Neitzke. “We can’t control what will happen with the mill rate, and we can’t spend any more. So if you want the schools to do more and tax more we can’t. And if you want the district to reduce more, we did.”....Residents will be asked to stand to vote in favor of four resolutions: the tax levy, the disposal of district property, board member compensation, and the 2012-13 annual meeting date.
Eligible voters will also be able to speak to the proposed resolutions for up to two minutes.
Library's Banned Books Week a Homosexual Smokescreen
Banned Books Week is Gay Promotion? Author Admits ALA Faked 2010 Top 10 Challenged Book List
- "Is Library Association's 'Banned Book Week' Really 'Gay' Promotion?; Critic Calls Event a 'Hoax Perpetrated on the American Public Since 1982,'" by Dave Tombers,WorldNetDaily, 25 September 2011.
Might the ALA have faked #1, And Tango Makes Three, also about the same "big deal"? Well, it was challenged only four times yet it is supposedly #1. We are talking about an organization that used plagiarism to promote Banned Books Week, after all.
Can anyone ever trust the ALA for anything ever again? Really, I mean it. Faked lists. Plagiarism. Political agenda. Propaganda. So much more I'm leaving out for brevity. Is there no limit to the ALA's dishonesty?
See more on National Hogwash Week here: