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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ousted Library Board President, Barb Deters, Stumbles Through Weak Presentation

Two weekends ago, Barbara Deters, former library board president, gave a power point presentation regarding the 2009 library issue at the UW-Milwaukee School of Informational Studies (liberal librarian school). Amidst outright lies that were told, Deters mentions her fear of the new members of the library board and city council.

Listen to the entire video to hear how she ridicules our City Council, slams the citizens/families of West Bend, snarks about Christians, and lies about a number of issues. Revealing his true colors, former library board director, Michael Tyree, weighed in during Q&A at the end.

As Deters mangles her way through this presentation, she disturbingly appears to be speaking as a direct representative of the West Bend Community Memorial Library, or at least she would like others to think so.

Interestingly, Deters states she was "forced" to retire from her position within our school district. I have confirmed that this, indeed, is a lie. Nobody forced her to retire.

Some of the more amusing quotes:

WVCY (Deters displayed fear of the moral media.)
20:45 "There is a Christian television station in the community that she was on..." (Context: Deters was referencing the media that "helped" to cover the town hall meeting that Jim and I held in the school gym, and how we had the advantage of radio, newspaper and television coverage on our side.)

40:32 "Mark Belling weighed in on this. I have never met Mark Belling in my life, but he categorized me as an 'old lefty bag.'" (I'll let Mark defend himself on that one...)

27:50 "Mark Belling and Charlie Sykes weighed in on this all the time." (Actually, they only weighed in on this a couple of times. "All the time" is a bit over the top.)

27:32 "..but there was another blog that was very influential in this whole thing, and it's called Boots and Sabers. And if you ever want to read an interesting blog, then go to Boots and Sabers. It's written by a man named Owen Robinson. He lives in the West Bend area. There are times that he is called upon to substitute for Mark Belling on his radio show. So, you kind of know where he's coming from." (Wow, really? I don't think I've ever heard Owen on Belling's show, but I could be wrong....)

31:11 "At that point, I was back being president of the board..and one of the things that had frustrated board members to no end was that we had never spoken about all of these things that were out there because the board president didn't put it on the agenda. If it's not on the agenda, you can't talk about it at a board meeting. You can't talk about it privately with other board members, because that would then be called a "rolling quorum" and the city attorney will come down on you like a ton of bricks and you could be in trouble because you're not supposed to sidestep the public transparency of an organization like the library board by having side meetings or telephone conversations or email exchanges that don't get publicized as being part of a public agenda." (See below, 35:15)

35:15 "About a week prior to the meeting, I had contacted every board member, probably violating rolling quorum rule, but...I said to them, after the motion, that's when the library board members are going to speak...I'm not going to limit you on time, and I don't care what you talk about, but that's going to be your time to say what you feel about this issue."

41:06 (Open mouth, insert foot.) Deters finds it amusing that Net Nanny restricts access to my personal blog because it contains "pornographic material." The material in question are direct quotes from various books we were challenging for the very same thing - pornographic material. Though Deters denies the passages in the books as pornographic, she notes that my blog is, indeed, blocked from Net Nanny for what is deemed pornography. :-)

PFOX (Parents and Friends of Gays and Ex-Gays)
22:16 Deters mocks our request for balanced literature on the gay lifestyle. States "not one of the books" on the PFOX website has "ever been reviewed by a reputable source" and that they are "poorly written," and that this is the reason they hadn't been purchased for our library. (PFOX offered to donate a book(s) in order to assist in lending a balanced viewpoint regarding homosexuality to young adults. This offer was rejected by Deters and her clan in 2009, confirming what we had stated from the very beginning - one viewpoint only.)

Deters conveniently leaves out that the organization, PFOX, is Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays. She lends heavy bias to her belief that homosexuals cannot change their behavior while attacking PFOX's mission to lend assistance to those choosing to leave the homosexual lifestyle.

44:15 "She had a lot of help from outside West Bend. Phyllis Schlafly gave her money and moral support." (LIE. I had just begun the Washington County Chapter after the library issue had come to an end. Phyllis Schlafly has never given me money. Ever.)

And there's so much more. But you don't have to take my word for it....

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