"The quarterly deadline is fast approaching for Wisconsin residents to sign up for the state’s No Call List. Numbers added on or before February 29 will be active on the list beginning April 1. This free no call service, offered through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), covers both land and cell phone lines.
“The No Call List limits and reduces the number of intrusive telemarketing phone calls that Wisconsin consumers receive,” said Sandy Chalmers, Division Administrator of Trade and Consumer Protection. “Wisconsin residents have registered more than two million phone numbers to the list, and more than half of the most recent entries are cell phone numbers.”
Signing up for the No Call List may also help you spot potential scams.
“If you receive a telemarketing sales call while you are active on the list, that should alert you that the call is not legitimate,” added Chalmers. “If the telemarketer is willing to ignore the ‘no call’ law, what other laws would they be willing to break to get to your money?”
The list is updated four times per calendar year (January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1). The registration process is continuous, but those who sign up after the upcoming February 29 deadline will not be added to the list until July 1. Consumers must register every two years to stay active.
To add your residential landline, cell phone or VoIP number(s), visit NoCall.Wisconsin.gov or dial 1-866-966-2255. The website and toll-free number are available all day, every day.
If you receive a call in violation of the Wisconsin No Call law, file a complaint with the Bureau of Consumer Protection by emailing datcphotline@wisconsin.gov or calling 1-800-422-7128.
An updated No Call List is sent to telemarketers quarterly. Violations of the state law carry a $100 penalty per call. Telemarketers are prohibited from making sales calls to numbers on the list, with the following exceptions:
Calls made to an existing customer - for example, calls from the bank you have a checking account with, your phone company or your credit card company.
Calls made in response to your written or verbal request or permission.
Calls encouraging you to make a donation of property, goods or services to a "nonprofit organization."
Calls encouraging you to purchase property, goods or services from a "nonprofit organization" unless sale proceeds are subject to Wisconsin sales tax or federal income tax.
Calls made for noncommercial purposes such as polls, surveys and political purposes.
Calls made to a business telephone number.
A call made by an individual acting on his or her own behalf, and not as an employee or agent of any other person."
Welcome..... Wissup??
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 27, 2012
GUTSY APOLOGY to Afghanistan President Karzai
Now here's an apology you won't want to miss! President Obama should study and learn.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Richfield Candidate Forum Video - Now Available - *WATCH
Richfield Citizens for Responsible Government recently hosted a candidate forum for Richfield Village Trustees. Rep. Dan Knodle moderated the event. It got a little hot in the kitchen.
2012 Richfield Village Board Debate from Randy Melchert on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
BECKER takes VICTORY in Wash. Cty Supervisor Primary
Dave Krochalk - 59 - 12.74%
Jim Becker - 203 - 43.84%
Herbert J. Tennies - 199 - 42.98%
Write-in Votes - 2 - 0.43%
Looks like District #2 is ready to move on.
Congrats to Becker!
Jim Becker - 203 - 43.84%
Herbert J. Tennies - 199 - 42.98%
Write-in Votes - 2 - 0.43%
Looks like District #2 is ready to move on.
Congrats to Becker!
If you have a race in your area, GET OUT AND VOTE.
WASHINGTON COUNTY is looking to overturn 46 YEARS of Herb Tennies from District #2. If you live in that District, get out and vote for JIM BECKER.
More info from Owen, PLUS a map if you aren't sure what District you reside in.
WASHINGTON COUNTY is looking to overturn 46 YEARS of Herb Tennies from District #2. If you live in that District, get out and vote for JIM BECKER.
More info from Owen, PLUS a map if you aren't sure what District you reside in.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Vote JIM BECKER for Wsh. Cty Spvsr Dist. #2, oust 46 years of TENNIES
Owen has the full scoop on the District #2 Washington County Supervisor primary this coming Tuesday. If you are in DISTRICT #2 (Owen has the map provided for you), get out the vote ON TUESDAY.
VOTE JIM BECKER. Remove the good ole leftie boys' club by taking out Herb Tennies.
Time for a change. A BIG change.
Curtsy, Boots and Sabers:
VOTE JIM BECKER. Remove the good ole leftie boys' club by taking out Herb Tennies.
Time for a change. A BIG change.
Curtsy, Boots and Sabers:
Yes, this is a tiny race, but it has huge impliactions for Washington County.
Current County Board Chairman Herb Tennies is trying to extend his current 46-year career as a county supervisor against a pair of challengers, David Krochalk, a former city alderman, and James (Jim) Becker Jr., a contract account manager with American TV & Appliance, Milwaukee, who is in his first run for elected office.
The primary will eliminate one candidate, while the two with the highest vote totals advance to the April 3 election.
Here’s the deal… Herb Tennies has been in office since before I was born and has come to treat the county board as his own personal feifdom. He’s the primary roadblock against reducing the size of the board (a 30-person board is nuts), killing the “temporary” sales tax, reducing spending, considering an elected county executive, and many other county reforms that will never see the light of day as long as Tennies sits in the big chair. His recent actions on the board in crushing opposition has led to his two challengers and has forced an extremely rare primary election for a county board seat.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Protest for Fair Play @ GAB TOMORROW
If you're disgusted and you know it, then disband....the GAB.
PROTEST called by 'Citizens to Defund and Disband the GAB'
Attendees: Concerned citizens from all across the state of WI to protest at the Govenment Accountability Board office.
Date/Time: Fri. Feb. 17th 9am-6pm
Location: 212 East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53703
Contact: Vince Schmuki Representing WIN-Wisconsinites Interest Now!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Free High School Education - You get what you pay for?
Public education. We should ALL want our money back.
Courtesy, Lunch Scholars:
Courtesy, Lunch Scholars:
Friday, February 3, 2012
Even Anti-Choicers Should Be Disgusted with Komen Backlash....
Well written. My thoughts exactly.
From Daniel Forster, The Corner:
It’s official. The Komen Foundation has “apologized” for its Planned Parenthood decision and appears set to reinstate the funding*, thus making our editorial this morning both premature and, in a more profound sense, too late. So, you’re on notice: If you currently donate to PP, you may never stop doing so
Will Wilkinson, who is pro legal abortion and probably the libertarian with whom I agree least often, gets it exactly right on this score, observing that there is more than a little gangsterism in the response from the PP set:
You know, I’m not a big fan of Komen’s brandification of breast cancer, I dislike seeing pink ribbons plastered over everything, and I think Planned Parenthood is real swell, abortions and all. So I’m not especially inclined to come to Komen’s aid. But I’ll be damned if this doesn’t look a bit like PP throwing it’s weight around, knocking a few pieces of china off the shelves, sending a message to its other donors: “Nice foundation you got there. Wouldn’t want anything to, you know, happen to it.”
Imagine I volunteered to run a cub scout troop, and for years, when the annual soapbox derby came near, I knew I could count on Joe’s Deli as good for a hundred dollar donation. If one year Old Man Joe decided he didn’t want to donate any more — because he didn’t like the design of our racer, or because he thought his hundred bucks was better spent on a little league team, or because he disapproved of the scouts’ stance on gays — what on earth would justify me going on public access TV to grillOld Man Joe on why he hates kids? What would justify me hacking the Joe’s Deli web site or maliciously editing Old Man Joe’s Wikipedia page? What would justify me goading a handful of my city councilman into standing up at the next town meeting and publicly calling on Old Man Joe to reinstate his donation?
This is not surprising.
READ MORE HERE (late breaking news from POLITICO)
Seems even NY's Mayor Bloomberg is promising matching $250,000 grant to PP. Despicable.
Syracuse (WSYR-TV) - A local representative has told NewsChannel 9 that the Komen Foundation nationwide will restore funding to Planned Parenthood.
READ MORE HERE (late breaking news from POLITICO)
Seems even NY's Mayor Bloomberg is promising matching $250,000 grant to PP. Despicable.
According to GLSEN:
NEW YORK - February 1, 2012 - The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and The Ad Council today announced the award-winning "Think Before You Speak" public service announcements (PSA) will appear at Super Bowl XLVI on Sunday, Feb. 5. GLSEN will become the first LGBT organization in the country to share its PSA campaign targeting anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) language among teens with Super Bowl attendees at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN.
As Super Bowl fans approach the stadium on Sunday, they may encounter a Jumbotron public service message about bullying from GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
"ThinkB4YouSpeak" is a campaign that seeks to instill the false idea that only by enthusiastically approving of homosexuality and gender confusion can we prevent bullying.
It's impossible otherwise, we are all supposed to believe.
This manipulative, immoral public relations effort is getting a boost by Grazie Media, a Toronto-based event firm, which donated the medium to GLSEN for this shameful message.
Our kids are also supposed to believe people are born this way, so that insulting a "gay" identity-- as in "That's so gay"--is just like insulting a boy or girl by name. Grant Hill and Wanda Sykes deliver this slick propaganda via short PSA's.
The truth is, people are not born this way. It's immoral and unnecessary behavior. It's not identity. We need to say this over and over to our kids so they can un-learn the lies of GLSEN and jaded celebrities.
Remember,no one needs to endorse homosexuality or gender-swtiching in order to stop bullying. This issue is being used by the anti-Christian, aggressive "gay" lobby for its XXX-rated, anti-child goals.
CALL Grazie Media to politely tell them you are disappointed they have now endorsed homosexuality for kids, and you truly hope they will get a heart and retract their support for this devious, anti-family campaign.
Contact info for Grazie in Bolton, Ontario is 1-888- 904- 3337 or email, info@graziemedia
Watch the controversial GLSEN spots.
Yes, insults are bad. But "respect" for homosexuality and believing people are born this way is a big mistake and will do much more harm than good to our kids.
The entire point of this campaign is to build up the reputation of homosexuality as a valid and respectable identity, NOT to actually prevent bullying. The bullying concerns of parents and students are, sadly, just convenient tools for the pro-homosexual goals of GLSEN. "
NEW YORK - February 1, 2012 - The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and The Ad Council today announced the award-winning "Think Before You Speak" public service announcements (PSA) will appear at Super Bowl XLVI on Sunday, Feb. 5. GLSEN will become the first LGBT organization in the country to share its PSA campaign targeting anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) language among teens with Super Bowl attendees at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN.
"Jumbotron message will plug homosexuality as "bullying prevention"

"ThinkB4YouSpeak" is a campaign that seeks to instill the false idea that only by enthusiastically approving of homosexuality and gender confusion can we prevent bullying.
It's impossible otherwise, we are all supposed to believe.
This manipulative, immoral public relations effort is getting a boost by Grazie Media, a Toronto-based event firm, which donated the medium to GLSEN for this shameful message.
Our kids are also supposed to believe people are born this way, so that insulting a "gay" identity-- as in "That's so gay"--is just like insulting a boy or girl by name. Grant Hill and Wanda Sykes deliver this slick propaganda via short PSA's.
The truth is, people are not born this way. It's immoral and unnecessary behavior. It's not identity. We need to say this over and over to our kids so they can un-learn the lies of GLSEN and jaded celebrities.
Remember,no one needs to endorse homosexuality or gender-swtiching in order to stop bullying. This issue is being used by the anti-Christian, aggressive "gay" lobby for its XXX-rated, anti-child goals.
CALL Grazie Media to politely tell them you are disappointed they have now endorsed homosexuality for kids, and you truly hope they will get a heart and retract their support for this devious, anti-family campaign.
Contact info for Grazie in Bolton, Ontario is 1-888- 904- 3337 or email, info@graziemedia
Watch the controversial GLSEN spots.
Yes, insults are bad. But "respect" for homosexuality and believing people are born this way is a big mistake and will do much more harm than good to our kids.
The entire point of this campaign is to build up the reputation of homosexuality as a valid and respectable identity, NOT to actually prevent bullying. The bullying concerns of parents and students are, sadly, just convenient tools for the pro-homosexual goals of GLSEN. "
OPEN ENROLLMENT - The "other" school choice
OPEN ENROLLMENT (welcome to the WB school district, by the way) applications are now available at the DPI website from today until April 30.
Click HERE for the brochure, information and application.
Looking for choices other than public schools? West Bend/Jackson has plenty to offer!
St. John's Grade School (K-8)
Holy Angels Grade School (K-8)
Living Word Lutheran High School (Jackson)
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School (Jackson)
Morning Star Lutheran Grade School (K-8) (Jackson)
David's Star Lutheran Grade School (K-8) (Jackson)
Good Shepherd Lutheran School (K-8)
St. Frances Cabrini Grade School (K-8)
St. Mary's Grade School (K-8)
"Wisconsin's inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they reside."
Click HERE for the brochure, information and application.
Looking for choices other than public schools? West Bend/Jackson has plenty to offer!
St. John's Grade School (K-8)
Holy Angels Grade School (K-8)
Living Word Lutheran High School (Jackson)
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School (Jackson)
Morning Star Lutheran Grade School (K-8) (Jackson)
David's Star Lutheran Grade School (K-8) (Jackson)
Good Shepherd Lutheran School (K-8)
St. Frances Cabrini Grade School (K-8)
St. Mary's Grade School (K-8)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Washington County Supervisor Meyers Goes Live
Washington County Supervisor, Bill Meyers, has created a new website that lends transparency to County Board meetings, County Budget, Salaries, and more. Meyers has been a hard-working, people-oriented, conservative worker for the county. This is just one more way for him to help people become connected with the government in their community.
From Bill:
Four years ago, when I first ran for the County Board, transparency in government was one of my key issues. I have worked very hard to force county government to share information and started a website several years ago just for that purpose.
I just launched a new website, http://www.CountySupervisorBill.com to focus more on current issues and respond better to constituents’ questions.
I think government should be by, of, and for the people and I am proud to be working for folks to make it that way.
Susan G. Komen wises up - Dumps Planned Parenthood
Wise. Very wise. The tarnished reputation of Susan G. Komen Foundation has received the beginning stages of restoration with this move.
(AP's David Crary writes:)The nation's leading breast-cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, is halting its partnerships with Planned Parenthood affiliates — creating a bitter rift, linked to the abortion debate, between two iconic organizations that have assisted millions of women.....Komen spokeswoman Leslie Aun said the cutoff results from the charity's newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations that are under investigation by local, state or federal authorities. According to Komen, this applies to Planned Parenthood because it's the focus of an inquiry launched by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., seeking to determine whether public money was improperly spent on abortions._______________________________________________Here is what's interesting...There is a quote by Planned Parenthood's President, Cecile Richards, in which she stated ""It's hard to understand how an organization with whom we share a mission of saving women's lives...."
Really? How can you claim to be saving women's lives when all along you kill them in your 800+ Murder Marts? I know it hurts, PP, but at least you and your advocates, employees, and abortionists are still alive, right? There's always a bright side, I say.
You can thank the Susan G. Komen Foundation for doing the right thing by emailing them at news@Komen.org.
Planned Parenthood is, indeed, a sinking ship.
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