NEW YORK - February 1, 2012 - The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and The Ad Council today announced the award-winning "Think Before You Speak" public service announcements (PSA) will appear at Super Bowl XLVI on Sunday, Feb. 5. GLSEN will become the first LGBT organization in the country to share its PSA campaign targeting anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) language among teens with Super Bowl attendees at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN.
"Jumbotron message will plug homosexuality as "bullying prevention"

"ThinkB4YouSpeak" is a campaign that seeks to instill the false idea that only by enthusiastically approving of homosexuality and gender confusion can we prevent bullying.
It's impossible otherwise, we are all supposed to believe.
This manipulative, immoral public relations effort is getting a boost by Grazie Media, a Toronto-based event firm, which donated the medium to GLSEN for this shameful message.
Our kids are also supposed to believe people are born this way, so that insulting a "gay" identity-- as in "That's so gay"--is just like insulting a boy or girl by name. Grant Hill and Wanda Sykes deliver this slick propaganda via short PSA's.
The truth is, people are not born this way. It's immoral and unnecessary behavior. It's not identity. We need to say this over and over to our kids so they can un-learn the lies of GLSEN and jaded celebrities.
Remember,no one needs to endorse homosexuality or gender-swtiching in order to stop bullying. This issue is being used by the anti-Christian, aggressive "gay" lobby for its XXX-rated, anti-child goals.
CALL Grazie Media to politely tell them you are disappointed they have now endorsed homosexuality for kids, and you truly hope they will get a heart and retract their support for this devious, anti-family campaign.
Contact info for Grazie in Bolton, Ontario is 1-888- 904- 3337 or email, info@graziemedia
Watch the controversial GLSEN spots.
Yes, insults are bad. But "respect" for homosexuality and believing people are born this way is a big mistake and will do much more harm than good to our kids.
The entire point of this campaign is to build up the reputation of homosexuality as a valid and respectable identity, NOT to actually prevent bullying. The bullying concerns of parents and students are, sadly, just convenient tools for the pro-homosexual goals of GLSEN. "
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