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Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

West Bend School District scrambling to rescue $12,000+ grant money going down the toilet

Challenge Day.    It's baaaaaaack........

This time, though, the disctrict administration is trying to work through issues to save the $12,000+ AODA grant money they decided to use for this inappropriate and wasteful program.  This grant was ok'd by the school board, but the program never was.  When parents caught wind, they decided to get vocal, calling the district administration with their opposing viewpoints concerning the way this program operated and could potentially affect and harm district children (with deep roots in religion, by the way).  In reaction, the school district allegedly shut down Challenge Day in a closed session without it ever appearing on the agenda.  Ouch.  A real no-no.

Now it seems that Ted Neitzke, Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, is trying to salvage the UNREFUNDABLE $12,000.  Kathy "I don't have to respond to your open records requests" Zarling is scrambling to whip up a program of some kind that will dump Challenge Day on our teachers in what is being deemed a "modified" version. 

In this case, the school district has abused, and lost, some solid financial grant money that could have been put to good use on an AODA program (it's original intent).  Instead, the originally planned psychfest has been vomited into the laps of our schoolteachers.

Just wondering...will they get paid for taking part in this 6-hour session?

And who exactly brought this program to the district?  It's rumored that retired Supv. of Curric., Mary Jane Burdge, had something to do with it....

Challenge Day.  Indeed.


Unknown said...

I'd just like to point out that the program would never have "harmed" students with "deep relgious roots." It was meant to combat hatred and close-mindedness. For ALL people, Ginny, from those with extremist, orthodox relgious beliefs to those who lead lifestyles contrary to such beliefs. No matter who you are, it is important to foster an attitude of open-mindedness. It is crucial to develop this attitude early in life - the program doesn't harm children. If anything, it tries to fix the dangerous notion that one lifestyle, religion, social class, etc., is better than another.

Unknown said...

P.S. Why do you even care?? You homeschool your kids!!!

West Bend Citizen Advocate said...

Aaron, I care because youth are important to me, and integrity is of highest priority.

I don't know where you get your information, but I do not homeschool my kids. Not one of them.