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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Michelle Malkin: Memorial Day Salute

Written by Doug Powers ~

Memorial Day Salute

By Doug Powers • May 31, 2010 08:11 AM

**Written by guest-blogger Doug Powers

The word “sacrifice” is often used in a wildly exaggerated fashion (for some of us, it’s a “sacrifice” to lose cable for a day), but those who make very real and sometimes ultimate sacrifices are some of the reasons that the rest of us are in the enviable position of being able to consider something as trivial as losing cable to be a sacrifice.

Most of us have been touched in some way by the loss of these heroes — be they family or friends. Among them, for my family, is my cousin, Steve, who was killed in Vietnam.

There was a nice write-up in the Lansing (Michigan) State Journal yesterday about him that I wanted to share. Here’s just a snippet:

Sometimes in life, you get lucky enough to have a friend who makes all the difference. For Bob DiBlase of Haslett, that person was Steven Powers.

Growing up in Lansing, Bob admits he was heading down the wrong path. He was a kid with a chip on his shoulder who liked to brawl. Before school sometimes, he’d stop off on a well-known corner downtown and pick a fight with whoever was hanging out. That’s where Steven found him one day – all bloodied and scruffy.

They sort of knew each other already. Steven went to school with Bob’s older brother at Everett High School. “He grabbed me and said, ‘I’m taking you to a dance tonight. But you can’t go looking like that,’ ” Bob says.

So Steven took him to Holden-Reid, bought him some penny loafers and a button-down shirt and took him to the dance. The friendship took; Bob didn’t fight anymore after that.

“He was laid back and easy-going,” says Bob. “The girls drooled over him. We all turned into the ‘Beach Boys’ type. We were just having fun.”
Which is why it shocked the hell out of his friends when Steven enlisted in the Marines after high school. It was 1966. Everyone knew what was happening in Vietnam. But Steven was determined to go.

He was assigned to C Company, 1st Battalion of the 9th Marine Regiment, Third Marine Division. Public records don’t indicate when his tour started, but on May 14, 1967, he was wounded and received the Purple Heart.

He came home, healed up and was sent back to Vietnam. A few weeks later, he was killed.

The rest of the article is here. An interactive Vietnam Wall is here.

A very special thank-you as well to all those who are currently serving or have served so that we may remain free. From my family, that includes my father, an Air Force veteran; my uncle Steve, a retired Air Force Colonel, pilot and Vietnam veteran; and another cousin, Mike, who is a 1990 Air Force Academy grad who has served in the Middle East, Africa and Japan, among other places, and is still on active duty.

Freedom is a little like oxygen — it can be easy to take for granted until you start to lose it. A society that waits until it’s gasping and turning blue to realize that can’t remain free for long, so Memorial Day is an opportunity to take a deep breath and appreciate the fresh air we enjoy, thank these heroes, and to pledge to see to it that their sacrifices were not in vain. This is a valuable service that even those of us who never served can provide, and it’s the least we can do.

Today is the day we “officially” remember and thank all those who have given their lives in our country’s service, but, as Ted Nugent wrote in theWashington Times, we should strive to make every day Memorial Day.

**Written by guest-blogger Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Attend this fundraiser to support the local businesses who were unfairly boycotted for their stance in support of Governor Walker's Budget Repair Bill.


11:00am to 3:00pm at Willowbrook Park on Highway 60, Hartford.

We will be selling Johnsonville Brats, and Sargento cheeseburgers along with hot dogs to show support for our Wisconsin based businesses that were targets of union boycotts a few weeks back.

Contact Info: Roger or Debbie Randolph Email: hatapresident@yahoo.com

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Voter ID Passes -

This has been a long time coming. No more voter fraud. Well done, Wisconsin.

The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate voted 19 to 5 along party lines to concur in a state Assembly bill approved earlier in May also along party lines. Most Senate Democrats did not cast votes on the proposal. It requires voter identification in polling places and eliminates straight ticket voting among other provisions.

"Requiring photo identification to vote will go a long way to eliminate the threat of voter fraud," Walker said in a statement. "If you need an ID to buy cold medicine, it's reasonable to require it to vote."

Read more HERE

GSA Roots go Deeeeeeeeep -----to Bullying and Sex

Well said.


There has been recent movement in the West Bend School District to allow the Gay/Straight Alliance school club status. (current clubs and school policy are listed below)

Since schools are part of our community, and citizens are compelled to fund them for educating the children of the community, I thought I’d do some research to find out more about the group that wants to be a school sanctioned club. Their website (found by doing a Google.com search) was the most logical place to begin. I was looking for compelling evidence that this group fits in with the educational goals of the local schools.

If the GSA is granted club status, they will have daily access to all children attending the schools. In the meeting on Monday May 9th they said they were a “support group” and that they did not support bullying in the schools.

Let’s take a look at what I found.


They call themselves an “activist group”. They want to “transform schools”.


This is from Wikipedia and explains what contemporary activism is:

Activism consists of intentional action to bring about social, political, economic, orenvironmental change. Activism can take a wide range of forms from writing letters to newspapers or politicians, political campaigning, economic activism such asboycotts or preferentially patronizing businesses, rallies, street marches, strikes, both sit-ins and hunger strikes.Some activists try to persuade people to change their behavior directly, rather than persuade governments to change laws. Thecooperative movement seeks to build new institutions which conform to cooperative principles, and generally does not lobby or protest politically.

In what ways do they intend to “change your school, transform your school?”

Listed are: activities, books, more about their “activist group”.


(some of the listed books are the highly controversial books recently opposed locally)

Several books are recommended on the GSA website. This is just one example of the offerings this school club recommends to kids.

From the report, The Legal Liability Associated with Homosexuality Education in Public Schools: http://www.ccv.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Legal_Liability_of_Homosexuality_Education1.pdf

the novel Rainbow Boys, three 17-year-old boys explore their homosexual attractions. Frequent themes include obtaining pornographic magazines18 and movies19, as well as graphic descriptions of masturbation20. The book features a scene where one of the teen boys has anal intercourse without a condom with a 29-year-old man he has just met via the Internet.

One event listed on their website is the annual “Pride March”.



Monday, May 9, 2011

GSA DENIED Co-Curricular Status at West Bend High Schools

In short, there were about 100 people or so (I didn't count, but it may have been more) after all the sports awards were given out and that large group of people left. Atty. Patrykus gave a very unconvincing speech about how the District is going to get sued and THEY will be getting money in THEIR pockets if the GSA is denied co-curricular, taxpayer-funded status. Both the Mom and Dad of the GSA's president spoke to the board in favor. Then I spoke. Then Atty. Waring Fincke did his spiel and threw his weight around with the "you're going to get sued if you don't approve this" speech.

Next, someone had asked that Dave Weigand recuse himself from the vote (I think it was Patrykus, but not sure) as he already had an established opinion. Without going into all the details, that was nixed (to their credit) by all the board members EXCEPT FOR TODD MILLER. All members (with the exception of the absent Williams) voted tonight.

Conversation across the board was:

Kris Beaver is terrified of the bullies and basically stated so. He was going to vote to approve simply based on fear of Fincke and Patrykus's legal threats.

Randy Parks has a son who is in the GSA and stated in the work session that he was in favor of the club being co-curricular. If there was anyone who should have recused himself, this would have been the one to ask if that was the criteria we are using.

Todd Miller acted like he had an axe to grind all night. He voted for the club because, well, because.

Board member Randy Marquardt made it clear that he did not appreciate being told by the attorneys that they had to approve this club or they would get sued. He did not feel they were in violation of any statutes or laws, and did not agree with the attorneys. He also said that that curricular and policy ties were a stretch to make them fit to the GSA, and he did not agree that the GSA fit the policy for a co-curricular. With that said, the three conservative board members did what their constituents were confident they would do. They were represented to the fullest with the NAY vote for a school-sponsored GSA.

Much appreciation to Randy Marquardt, Tim Stepanski and Dave Weigand who stood firm in their representation of our conservative school district.

To God be the Glory.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gay Club Activities for West Bend High Schools Include Educating Teachers?

One would really think this endeavour is more along the lines of a college club. High school children are still minors. Parents remain in authority and have the final say.

The GSA's application states they propose the following activities for our West Bend kids:

Participation and organization of the Day of Silence protest
Participation and organization of Break the Silence event
Educational workshops for teachers
Words Hurt Week campaign
Promotion of International day of Peace
World AIDS Day
Ally Week activities
TransAction! Day Activities
Transgender Day of Remembrance observance
Various fundraisers

Educate yourselves. Is this what you want to use your taxpayer dollars for in our local high school?

Atty. Waring Fincke thinks he can prove discrimination if this club is denied access as a taxpayer-funded club. Perhaps he hasn't read THIS yet.


This item is on the agenda.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Local Attorney Fincke Bullies West Bend School District on Behalf of Gay Club

It appears that local attorney, Waring Fincke, is using his legal credentials to BULLY the school district.

And I'm curious...who authorized the Gay/Straight Alliance to use the West Bend High Schools as part of their formal name?

Though the group insists they won't be paying their volunteers or ask for taxpayer funds, who's to say they won't in the future? And how will you be able to stop them? Too late!

They're making curricular ties with PSYCH and SOCIOLOGY? This is extremely weak, if not laughable. The mention is specifically of the institution of a "marriage" aspect for the Sociology class in which students "debate the impact a non-traditional marriage has on the different levels of commitment within a society." This comes after a long six-month endeavor to solidify the Human Growth and Development curriculum for our students that strictly adheres to the state law regarding marriage as legally recognized as between one man and one woman in the state of Wisconsin. What message would this send if the District would decide to approve such a club?

As for the legalities of approval versus denies, Fincke is just plain wrong. The District does not have to include a gay club as a co-curricular. For all intents and purposes, we could link just about any human behavior to Psych and Sociology, i.e., West Bend High School Sodomy Supporters. Yes, this is JUST THAT RIDICULOUS.

Write to your local school board members. Ask them to stop the madness.

Board President, Randy Marquardt: rmarquardt@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Tim Stepanski: tstepanski@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Bart Williams: bwilliams@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Dave Weigand: dweigand@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Kris Beaver: kbeaver@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Todd Miller: tmmiller@west-bend.k12.wi.us
Rick Parks: rparks@west-bend.k12.wi.us

Thursday, May 5, 2011

National Day of Prayer today. Gathering at West Bend's City Hall at NOON.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SCHLOEMER Pushing for GSA as TAXPAYER-FUNDED Sex Club in West Bend Schools

Shana Schloemer (GLBTQ sex therapist out of Cedarburg), a resident of West Bend, has decided our schools need a Gay Straight Alliance club - and evidently wants the taxpayers to pay for it.

Schloemer, whose claim to fame is the Safe Space for Washington County (a refuge she proclaims to offer for homosexuals in the community), is putting out the word on her Facebook, as well as West Bend's CandlelightCollective's Facebook to organize a MOB to show up at the school board work session on Monday, as well as the school board meeting directly following where the GSA will have "their" attorney (evidently this would be Dan Patrykus - same guy that tried to get the Grothman thank-you card shut down) speak on "their" behalf. I'm sure he'll throw out scare tactics like "I'll sic the ACLU on you" and "I'll sue you for discrimination" or some other lefty flap.

Ah yes, the infamous West Bend attorneys. Deters, Fincke, and Patrykus (uses his law office as a recall center for Sen. Grothman). Not necessarily in that order, and not necessarily at one law firm. Just three oddballs on the liberal fringe.

Then we have KRISTIN PEKOLL getting in the act ( can't say I haven't been reminding you again and again of her agenda for our youth).

And, surprise, surprise- MICHAEL TYREE, West Bend's very own former library director. IMAGINE THAT.

West Bend School District's Kathy Zarling, Administrator of Pupil Services, has apparently rewritten the co-curricular policy to try to weasel this sex club into our schools.

Instead, maybe all co-curriculars should undergo some scrutiny. Perhaps, in light of the needs to trim the budget, we should only allow those clubs that have direct ties to the academics be funded by the taxpayers. All others can stand on their own as after-school and student-led. Really. They'll be okay. Promise.

Please mark your calendars for Monday, May 9th to support the West Bend High Schools Gay Straight Alliance being discussed before the Board Of Instruction! I will give time and location details later, but should be afternoon/evening. We need LOTS of support to get the GSA official club status. It is ILLEGAL and DISCRIMINATORY that it has been denied thus far.-Shana
April 27 at 5:01pm
  • 4 people like this.
    • Kristin Pekoll I will be there
      April 27 at 5:18pm
    • Kat Kraft Thanks for the post. What time is the meeting?
      April 28 at 12:03pm


      CALLING ALL SUPPORTERS!! Please come to McLane Elementary on Monday, May 9 at 4:30p and again at 7p for School Board hearings on GSA getting club status. You do not need to speak, just be present as a show of support!!!
      23 hours ago
      • 2 people like this.
        • Michael Tyree I'll try to get out of work in time so I can be there for all aspects of the "discussion."
          23 hours ago
        • Shana Dunn Schloemer We are actually planning to have ONLY our attorney speak. The opposing side who will show up will say all kinds of ridiculous, hate filled, homophobic things and hide it behind religion. We are not going to start a verbal assault. Just a peaceful show of support with our lawyer speaking so don't be surprised to not see any of us piping up. :)
          about an hour ago
        • Michael Tyree Thanks for the clarification. I'm just going to offer moral, emotional and spiritual support. Hatred hiding behind the veil of religion sickens me. There's a big difference between sanctified and sanctimonious, though that logic seems to be lost on many people in our community.
          about an hour ago

Monday, May 2, 2011


At the risk of giving him more attention than he deserves, I'll simply say this.


(FB status of a friend sums it up)

"I am as grieved as any serious disciple of Christ that Bin Laden did not repent and come to Christ, but the Bible does seem to indicate that there can be a measure of satisfaction in God's glory being displayed through His justice as well as through His mercy" ~Revelation 19:2. ~ Revelation 16:4-7. ~ Psalm 76:7-10

Sunday, May 1, 2011




A sample ballot can be found HERE.

Dewey Stroebel is the running Republican for District 60. Stroebel is seeking to fill the vacancy left by Mark Gottlieb (R), who resigned to serve at Transportation Secretary.

You can check out his info HERE and HERE

Marquardt New Board President for West Bend School Board


What's New In West Bend Schools

President- Randy Marquardt
Vice-President- Tim Stepanski
Clerk-Bart Williams
Treasurer- Rick Parks

Curriculum and Instruction:
Chair-Tim Stepanski
Dave Weigand
Kris Beaver

Chair-Dave Weigand
Randy Marquardt
Rick Parks

Chair-Rick Parks
Bart Williams
Kris Beaver

Technologies and Facilities:
Chair- Todd Miller
Randy Marquardt
Bart Williams

Chair- Tim Stepanski
Rick Parks
Bart Williams