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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deep Throat in the Public Library -

Curtsy: Dan Kleinman, Safelibraries

Deep Throat in the Public Library

Deep Throat in the public library?  Will Manley brings us the case of a book that quietly disappeared after a patron complained: "Dear Monday from the Unwinders Tavern – Any Advice for Deep Throat?," by Will ManleyWill Unwound, 6 February 2011, #355.

The issue is whether the facts as presented represent a case of "institutional censorship."  The question Will Manley asks his many readers is, "What should Deep Throat do?"

There is a bigger question.  Why is there a need for a library to feel the need to remove a book quietly in the first place?  Is the removal of the book a problem, or is the knee jerk reaction of the American Library Association [ALA] the problem that causes librarians to fear its reaction?

ALA mischaracterizes every single book challenge
in 2009.  Instead of "deciding for others," perhaps
460 patrons are properly seeking application of
existing book selection policies and practices.
Think about it.  Every single personin 2009 who challenged a book in a public library was vilified by the ALA.  All 460 of them.  No exceptions.  Zero.  All 460 were derided as "censors."  See my report on this here:  "The Parent Trap:  ALA Uses Banned Books Week to Ridicule Patrons Complying with ALA Materials Reconsideration Policies."

So that's how and why Banned Book Week is used by the ALA.  To ridicule patrons seeking to challenge books and cow them into silence.

Silence.  The opposite of free speech the ALA claims to promote.


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