Alan Graham, 61, pulled up in his tractor and told the sexy singer to cover up and later claimed: "Her behaviour was inappropriate."
Rihanna was recording a video for We Found Love with Scottish DJ Calvin Harris in a muddy barley field near Bangor, Co Down - ahead of three sell-out shows at Belfast's Odyssey Arena this weekend.
The filming was taking place close to a busy dual carriageway when she stripped to a bikini after removing a long checked dress. But the sight became too much for Mr Graham's Christian beliefs and he politely asked the filming to stop.
The father of four, a member the Democratic Unionist Party on North Down Borough council, said today: "She understood where I was coming from. We shook hands and parted company on good terms."
Welcome..... Wissup??
Copyright (c) 2009 Ginny Maziarka. All rights reserved.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Rihanna told to "put it back on" by farmer
Monday, September 26, 2011
Your vote COUNTS - TONIGHT - Tax Levy Increase? Just say NO.
The community will be asked to approve the highest allowable levy at the 92nd annual meeting of the electors Monday.
West Bend School District voters will be asked to authorize the School Board to levy $37.4 million.
The tax levy proposed is $458,566 less than last year, according to Superintendent Ted Neitzke.
The mill rate will depend upon property values, which won’t be known until the middle or end of next month.
If property values stay the same, the mill rate will not increase. However, if property values drop, the district is anticipating an increase of about 7 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.
“At the end of the day, we are asking everybody for less money than we did last year,” said Neitzke. “We can’t control what will happen with the mill rate, and we can’t spend any more. So if you want the schools to do more and tax more we can’t. And if you want the district to reduce more, we did.”....Residents will be asked to stand to vote in favor of four resolutions: the tax levy, the disposal of district property, board member compensation, and the 2012-13 annual meeting date.
Eligible voters will also be able to speak to the proposed resolutions for up to two minutes.
Library's Banned Books Week a Homosexual Smokescreen
Banned Books Week is Gay Promotion? Author Admits ALA Faked 2010 Top 10 Challenged Book List
- "Is Library Association's 'Banned Book Week' Really 'Gay' Promotion?; Critic Calls Event a 'Hoax Perpetrated on the American Public Since 1982,'" by Dave Tombers,WorldNetDaily, 25 September 2011.
Might the ALA have faked #1, And Tango Makes Three, also about the same "big deal"? Well, it was challenged only four times yet it is supposedly #1. We are talking about an organization that used plagiarism to promote Banned Books Week, after all.
Can anyone ever trust the ALA for anything ever again? Really, I mean it. Faked lists. Plagiarism. Political agenda. Propaganda. So much more I'm leaving out for brevity. Is there no limit to the ALA's dishonesty?
See more on National Hogwash Week here:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Parental Power Struggle in West Bend - Who's REALLY In Charge?
Blogged in it's entirety from What's New in West Bend Schools:
The policy committee met last night. The following items were on the agenda:
Review of process for policy revision and Review of the following:
a. Policy 370 – Co-curricular Activities
b. Policy 333 – District Programs/Activities
I sensed a bit of a power struggle in the policy meeting.
I’ve always thought that the administration resented policies made by the board, and they often wrote “administrative rules” to undermine board authority. The discussion that followed confirmed my initial thought.
Dave Weigand, policy committee chair, requested a review of policy 370-District Programs/Activities. He requested, among other things, to have the policy state that written parental permission be obtained yearly for students in each club they participate. His intent is to give parents information on the clubs and obtain parental permission for clubs specific for each co-curricular athletic or non-athletic club. “It’s important for parental permission to participate, “ Weigand stated.
Valley Elliehausen, from administration, stated she, “wouldn’t advocate for a parental permission” policy for clubs. Further, she said that the district uses a Code of Conduct and students and parents sign it for clubs. Weigand, fighting for parental rights, continued to advocate for parents, stating he would like to see parental permission in district policy. Valley then said parental permission could be part of an administrative rule, but would not agree it should be district policy.
Weigand also requested the policy state that the elected school board review all clubs (every level) yearly in order to gage interest and participation, etc. Valley again stated that the administration, and not the board, reviews clubs, “That’s our role” she stated. Al Pauli added that the school principals at the middle school level review clubs. The discussion went on to reveal that the only time the board hears about clubs is when cuts are being made due to “budget constraints” and/or non-interest.
That leads me to wonder why the GSA was brought before the school board last spring and summer.
Valley began the policy meeting by letting the board know that the administration will be making a schedule of policies to be reviewed and anytime an administrator comes forward with a policy they want reviewed, their wishes will “trump” the process. Weigand added that the board would also have the ability to make suggestions for policy review on a case by case issue.
Valley asked that the board contact her to indicate policies to be reviewed, and she would then check with other districts’ and the School Board association to find out what other districts are doing.
By her comments, I came to understand that it wasn’t as important to her what the Board in West Bend thinks, but is concerned with what is done elsewhere.
I wonder what the local taxpayers think of those priorities.
Valley stated she does not want policies from the board telling how to run the district. According to district administration, the board operates “over” and not “under” the line. In other words, the board is to set policy for the administration to use in writing “rules”. Randy Marquardt, board president, wants policies to be general and “guiding”. Dave Weigand stated he wants “the board to make the intent clear” in policy.
This seems a minor difference, but in practice it is a major issue. In looking over some older policies, I noticed that the past boards have clearly written their intent and even steps to follow in policy. I sense a recent shift in where the real authority lies, and that shift is not moving toward the elected board.
After discussing policy 370, Weigand moved on to policy 333 regarding “passive permission” for activities in the district. This is a newer policy, written in 2007.
Weigand argued that an “opt in” and not an “opt out” would be more appropriate for activities such as surveys, etc. “We want parents to have opportunity to opt in rather opt out”, giving parents true authority over their minor children.
He further stated that the way it is now is “reversed”. Weigand also said that the Cedarburg School District has an opt-in procedure for human growth and development courses.
Randy Marquardt agreed “on certain issues”. He also stated he has, “no problem endorsing that kind of change.”
Weigand charged Valley, as administrative liaison, to work on the suggested changes to the two mentioned policies.
Valley also mentioned a policy proposal from board member Bart Williams about “truth in disclosure for referendum”. More details will be forthcoming as the board looks into this-hopefully-as the board engages in activities they were elected to do.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Packer Victory Packs Punch

Had a spectacular time at the Packer's opening game against the Saints last night. Biggest crowd I've encountered in the times I've been at Lambeau (I'm sure there've been more). Stage shows were Maroon 5, Kid Rock and Lady Antebellum. Big screens were all over the place, so if you couldn't get real close to the stage area, or didn't want to get real close, you could enjoy the shows just the same. The crowd was electrifying and the game was fired up....all the way from the first touch down only minutes into the game, through Cobbs' phenomenal field-length run to a touchdown, and a final victory.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Meet & Greet Scheduled 9/10 at Cabela's
Via Washington County Conservative Citizens
Meet and Greet with State Rep 9/10 Cabelas/Richfield W-C3, Washington County Conservative Citizens, will be hosting a Meet and Greet Saturday, 9/10/2011 from 3:00 pm to 5:00pm at Cabela's in Richfield for all 4 'new' members of the Assembly representing Washington County. With redistricting, many of us have 'new' State Representatives. We will also have a "Walker 2014" t-shirt for attendees to sign that will be presented to the Governor. All 4 State Reps, LaMehieu, Strachota, Pridemore and Knodl have confirmed attendance. Other State and Federal elected officials may also attend. Dan LaMehieu, who's district now includes Hartford; Don Pridemore, who lost Hartford but adds Richfield, Hubertus, Colgate, part of Germantown and M-Falls, Pat Strachota, who's district expand southward and Dan Knodl, the Republican Caucus Chair who's district was also adjusted. That is why I put new in quotes. These are our heroes working for us in the State Assembly so I hope everyone can attend and thank them for all their hard work. We will have some maps on hand to find out about our local elected folks, too. The County Board 'adjusted' the Supervisor's Districts so all the incumbents are safe but areas changed. Richfield and Hartford got carved up pretty good. We will also have on hand our experts to help anyone interested in running for their School Board, Town Board, etc. be successful. Questions, contact Bill Meyers - Please do not use my official County email account. Cell - 262.628.2940. Thanks.