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Friday, November 13, 2009

Catholic Campaign for Human Development a Scandal - BOYCOTT THE COLLECTION PLATE

Here is some info about the CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.  West Bend's local pastor, Jeff Haines, of St. Francis Cabrini Church (262-338-2366), is an ADVOCATE of "Common Ground", a brainchild of socialist community organizer, Saul Alinsky. Catholics beware, be informed, be wise.

1)      From this collection the Bishops gave
2)      Just this year alone, the Bishops gave $247,000 to Chicago-style community organizing groups in Wisconsin  (see below)
3)      Pro-Life groups are NOT eligible for these funds
4)      Pregnancy Care Centers are NOT eligible for these funds
5)      Religious Orders are NOT eligible for these funds
6)      Soup kitchens and homeless programs are NOT eligible for these funds.

One can only imagine how many staff could have been hired to fight Planned Parenthood’s agenda for our state, billboards that could have been displayed, tv commercials that could have been aired, newspaper ads that could have been printed, ultrasound machines that could have been purchased, buses that could have been sponsored for folks to attend the March for Life in DC in January, boxes of literature that could have been purchased for door-to-door distribution, etc., out of the

Wisconsin’s Bishops gave to Chicago-style community organizing groups this year.

Many Catholics across Wisconsin work hard flipping pancakes, frying fish and helping with other fundraising efforts, and are highly offended the Bishops just handing these radical left groups excessive checks.

This scandal has reached epic proportions such that several national Pro-Life/Pro-Family groups are calling for a nationwide
“Boycott the Collection Plate”
effort for the CCHD collection.  Many of these organizations’ excellent articles and websites are listed below for easy access.  The time has come for some serious accountability.

HERE ARE SOME CONVENIENT COUPONS for you to print off and share instead of dropping money in the collection plate - CLICK HERE!

Become well informed by reading the materials below or conduct your own research.  

$247,000 Reasons
Why Wisconsin ’s Conservative Catholics
Should Consider Boycotting the Collection Plate

2009 Wisconsin Grantees for
Campaign for Human Development $, include:

Green Bay
ESTHER (Gamaliel Foundation Affiliate
Green Bay
JOSHUA Justice Organization Sharing Hope & United for Action
AMOS (Gamaliel Foundation affiliate)
Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope
Common Ground – Industrial Areas Foundation – See Website
RIC - Racine Interfaith Coalition (Gamaliel Foundation affiliate)
Voces dela Frontera – Illegal Aliens – See Website Newsletters
Comunidad Hispana


CCHD Brochure

CCHD PowerPoint

Catholic Bishops Give $7.3 Million to ACORN 

Eagle Forum – Phyllis Schlafly Column “The Catholic Connection to Obama,”www.eagleforum.org/column/2008/nov08/08-11-14.html

Join the Boycott of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development – YouTube Video

American Life League Exposes CCHD Scandals

“Picking Pockets in the Pew – the Campaign for Human Development Scandal”– Catholic Media Coalitionwww.catholicmediacoalition.org/picking_pockets.htm

“A Sordid Tale About the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,”  American Life Leaguehttp://www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2774

More Questions Surrounding CCHD Grantees – Bellarmine Veritas Ministry

Alinskyian Organizing - (Saul Alinsky is the Father of Community Organizing.  He was a 1960s radical who founded the Industrial Areas Foundation in Chicago.  Alinsky targeted Churches - Primarily Catholic Churches - as well as semininaries.)http://www.catholicmediacoalition.org/alinskyian_organizing.htm

Dissing the Organizer: Obama, ACORN, and Catholic Action
“ Cleveland Catholic Diocese Donated $30,000 to Group with Ties to NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League),” www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/printerfriendly.html?articleid=01070501

“Social Justice:  Code Word for Anti-Americanism,” Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly Report, January 2009. http://www.eagleforum.org/psr/2009/jan09/psrjan09.html

The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost:  Obama, ACORN, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development” by Stephanie Block, Catholic Media Coalition,      http://www.catholicmediacoalition.org/chickens_come_home.htm

See Human Life International’s website for an excellent collection of info.http://www.hli.org/

“Catholic Citizens of Illinois Calls for Boycott of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,” www.ilgopnet.com/node/1167

Contact info for Wisconsin's Bishops:

      Archdiocese of Milwaukee
      P.O. Box 070912 
      Milwaukee , WI  53207
      1-800-769-9373  &  (414) 769-3300

v     Bishop Robert Morlino
Diocese of Madison
Vice-Pres. - Wis. Catholic Conference
St. Patrick's Church
      404 E. Main Street  Madison 53703
       1-800-833-8452 (608) 256-5614,  821-3000
      Email:  Kevin.Phelan@straphael.org

v     Bishop Jerome Listecki
Diocese of LaCrosse
      3710 East Ave. South  LaCrosse 54602
      (608) 788-7700

v     Bishop David Ricken
Diocese of Green Bay
      P.O. Box 23825  Green Bay 54305
      (920) 437-7531    

v     Bishop Peter Christensen
Diocese of Superior
1201 Hughitt Ave. Superior  54880
(715) 392-2937


santamuerte said...

Walking the Edge of Immorality: Gamaliel Insider's Story http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/walking-the-edge-of-immorality/

Unknown said...

On the contrary, I would advise Catholics not to foolishly drop worthless pieces of paper into the collection plate. Keep in mind that the money given is utilized to keep Church facilities in operation and programs available. St. Frances Cabrini, for example. would not have been able to undergo its beautiful renovation without such donations for exmpale. Boycotting the collection plate would simply cause parishes to go deeper in debt.

What's more, I attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Common Ground. If you are under the impression that all this organization is is a radical left socialist conspiracy, I suggest you do further research.